The thing with soup is, we don't have many options because we only have beef and chicken in the fridge. So it always be chicken soup and beef soup. And Zahra doesn't like beef, I don't know why. She will take the soup, not the meat.
Sometimes I made tofu soup as she loves tofu very much. I normally mix it with some chicken to get the chicken broth, but the flavour is not that intense, that's when I decided to make it with chicken stock.
Chicken carcass
Any root vegetables - I used potato, carrot, celery
Some peppercorn - I just used raw blackpepper
Any root vegetables - I used potato, carrot, celery
Some peppercorn - I just used raw blackpepper
It depends on the recipe, some call for garlic and herbs like thyme, bay leaves, etc but that doesn't come in handy so, I just throw whatever I have in hands. It's nothing specific really, the main character will be the chicken carcass :D
Let the stock cooled and you can pack it into small portion (I used the breastmilk liner, about 4oz each) and keep it in the freezer. It can last like normal food up to 2-3 months. Edited: To store, discard everything, just keep the liquid/soup. I was a bit sayang to throw the carrot and potato, so I gave it to Zahra, but she doesn't really like it, sebab the taste dah hilang kut hehe. Only the fibre.
The stock making is so easy and convenient. You can use the chicken stock in almost everything - instant noodle soup, tom yum base, vegetable soup, etc etc.
I use it for Zahra's tofu soup. Sauteed some sliced garlic, add the chicken stock, add some water if needed, dump cubed soft tofu and done! :D
Anyway, I read somewhere that it's best if you can brown the chicken carcass in the oven before turn it into stock. I tried this step in my second time making the stock, but not much different on the taste. Maybe I didn't brown it long enough.
And the chicken carcass is only RM2 or so in Giant ;)
aan, zahra ada masalah sembelit lagi tak?
ReplyDeleteMommy Fara,
ReplyDeleteDah takde..kejap hari tu je. Rasanya a phase je dia nak adjust perut dia. Me takde change anything in the diet. Me nak wait n see, tengok2 dah ok. Oh ya, cuma encourage dia minum air byk as well.
wah leh try nnt..sejak preggy dah lama tak masak kat aqil..loya tekak pening kepala..nnt dah kuat skit leh masak balik kt aqil..
ReplyDeleteaan,umm chicken stock ni amik yang sup jer kan? yang bahan2 bukan sup tuh aan buat mcm mana?blend ke atau mkn dgn nasik?
ReplyDeletesorry tanya,sbb x penah buat chicken stock,tp mcm best nak try buat jugak.thank you for sharing this recipe.
ReplyDeleteHehe biasa tu preggy mcm tu. Nanti2 dah ok..perut pulak besar..tak larat nak masuk dapur jugak. It's a chance utk berehat :D
Ain Alida,
Alamak sorry lupa mention. Buang yg lain2 tu..amik kuah dia je :D Nnt me edit balik entry tu. Hari tu me sayang the potato and carrot, so me campur dlm bubur zahra, tapi kurang rasa dah la..cuma dapat serat je :P
Aan : paling senang campak dalam slow cooker semuanya lepas tu boleh tido..
ReplyDeleteTu la! Tapi takde slow cooker..hmm kena masuk wishlist ni haha
Aan, u can borrow my slow cooker. only use time ewan dulu. hehhehe
ReplyDeleteme dah lama tak masak makanan khas utk eiman kecuali sup dan kuew teow. tu pun cheating :P