We were playing with Zahra in the room when MrComot said he wants to shower upstair and once he stepped out from the room I heard he shouted
I was startled to digest and then I remembered I didn't keep my ebm in the fridge!
And WHEN was I pump it? I was hoping it is 6am because it can only last 4 hours in room temperature, but then I remember I didn't hear Subuh prayer so it must be around 3am! *nanges*
Storing the milk will always be the last as I will do other thing first like washing the pump, boil the water, go to the toilet, etc so that the milk will have the grace period to be in room temp before going into the fridge (it's a bit warm coming out from human) and there are a few nights where I went back to the bed without keeping it in the fridge but I remember before doze off so jumped out the bed and do what I need to do. But last night Zahra woke up right after I washed the pump, so I fed her and fell asleep right away, not remembering about the milk.
Anyway, everybody went chaotic because they know how much I 'sayang' the milk and I asked them to TELL ME the milk is no good anymore - me being denial. I asked them to sniff the milk;
MrComot: My nose kan no so good to smell things
Mom: Bau ok, cuba rasa tengok
Kannn MrComot tak membantu ok.
So I tasted my milk and hmmm it tastes ok I guess. I mean I don't know how my milk should taste like when it's not ok.
But then MrComot said "jangan simpan la..nanti Zahra sakit perut"..I was like, is it? I mean, I THINK Zahra still can take it, tapi takut jugak kalau dia sakit perut, nanti PATIK jugak yang bersalah kan. Lagipun susu tu banyak ok.
Yes, 7oz is A LOT to me because that's the max I ever got in one time pumping session. Kalau tertumpah 1/2oz pun dah nak menangis ok.
But it goes to the sink anyway...Bukan rezeki mommy and Zahra I guess :(
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