I gave MrComot APRON!!!!
Haha I know..it is soo..what? Apron? Well, he loves the kitchen, and he uses it more than me! Even not for cooking, it's a place where he wash all the milk bottles and breastpump every night and readied Zahra's milk every morning. So I think he need a special apron from me.
My original plan was to sew the apron by myself but it spells I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E right?
So this is what I did..
Me: Abang, ada kedai sulam-sulam tak kat sini? Yang sulam ngan machine tu?
CM Guy: Ada banyaaakkkkkkk
Me: Kat mana? Kat mana? ---> widely grin, so excited already
CM Guy: You pegi kiri, jalan straightttt je sampai hujung, sana ada banyak
Ok, so that's where the shops, in case you are interested. The moment you enter CM, it's on your left (the Little India place), go inside and walk straight the alley until end.
Another tricky thing is, it's hard for me to settle all this thing - go buy apron, go to CM, etc because he always with me. Coincidently, MrComot had to be in Menara for the whole month and I get the car during the lunch time. So gigih I pegi sorang2 ni, secretly :D
And the funny thing is, the day I went to CM, he asked me, where I had my lunch and me being me, a terrible liar so I just told him in CM and he gave me this serious question 'Why you went to CM? With who?'. OMG..I really tak pandai tipu la. When I said alone lagi la dia freaking out because CM is not safe to him and me going there alone just for lunch, is dangerous and...FISHY. I really don't know how to tackle the situation so I just giggles2 and drop it haha. Hari-hari lain tak tanya pulak. Adoi..

So here is my hubby with his pressies ;)

And that's my hubby to me! My love for you grows deeper and stronger each day! Happy 2nd anniversary, baby!
Oh ya..but I still tak dapat my anniversary pressie! I know my apron is nothing, but I keep on pestering him to give me something! Haha bad wifey.
I keep on teasing him,
'Eeeeii ada orang ada apron...kesiannya me takde hadiahhhhhhhh'
Ha ha ha. I am keji like that.
Anyway, he said he already have something for me, but in order to get that, I have to gain weight! I was like..whattttt... Ok for the record, I am tooooo thin now that I look like a sick woman and I DO want to gain some weight. I AM! But it takes a lot of effort and time. Breastfeeding is really burning all the food I am taking.
I want to pile some meat but can I have the present firssssssttttttttttt??? Pweaaaseee pweeettyyy pweaaseeeeeee
And since you have new apron, maybe you can whip out something special for me this weekend ;)