Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Allergy Attack
Zahra Elena gave us a fright last night.
I received a call from my babysitter around 5.20PM telling me that her daughter gave Zahra some food and caused her some allergy. According to her, there are red patches under her eyes and diaper area. The moment I heard that, I was quite calm because I know it won't be that bad, but saspen jugak kalau sampai call2 ni kan. I just pesan to the babysitter to check on her breathing, to see if she has difficulty on it. Coincidently MrComot also finished his meeting, so I quickly pick him from Menara and shoot to pick Zahra.
The moment I saw Zahra, I was stunned to the max! I expect to see some red dots on the face and body but instead, her whole body is SWOLLEN and redden like grilled prawn! She can barely open her eyes due to the puffed eyelids and cries the moment I picked her. My poor baby!
Her breathing is ok at that time only that she is super weak. She just keep crying softly and slumped her body on my shoulder, hence she felt heavier than usual. That worries me because it is an indicator she can't or just don't have the energy to hold herself.
By the way, this is what the daughter fed Zahra Elena:
Haha now I feel like laughing. So most probably Zahra has allergy towards dairy. I hope it isn't permanent because life without dairy? Kesiannya dia...
Ok back to the story, we planned to bring her to her normal doctor near to our house for checkup. Zahra was sleeping while bf-ing through out the journey and guess what? Jem la pulak!! What's wrong la KL ni..geram betul. Time2 emergency selalu la macam ni. I prayed so hard nothing major happen to her, and we arrived in front of the clinic around 730PM!
It's like 2 hours after the breakdown.
And guess what again? All the swells gone! Ha ha ha.
*on the other note, Alhamdulillah ;)*
The skin back to normal, no more red patches and swollen fingers or leg. Only the eyes still a bit puffed and tiba-tiba dia aktif balik. Keep on jumping and blabbing in the car so we think, ok lah kut, no need to go to the clinic.
This is her face around 8PM. Dah ok..only the left eye. Sebelum tu teruk sgt, I can barely recognize the face. Wanted to snap pic masa teruk tu, tapi takut MrComot marah cakap anak sakit sibuk duk amik gamba pulak haha.
She was all good until she peed! She cries so hard! When the allergy attacked, she scratched almost everywhere especially on the diaper area and the buttock and it leaves fresh wound. So whenever she pees, it sting and itchy at the same time I guess, because she was crying while scratching the diaper :(
Kesian dia. I pujuk2 dia nak bagi BF pun tanak. I quickly remove the diaper, wash the area with cold water and leave her diaper-less, put some bedak sejuk gamat and try to distract her with anything that I can think of.
And she gave up to this cold cherry! Hehehe. Tengok muka dia..with the red nose, lepas nanges, dapat cherry terus kusyuk je makan.
I put her to bed around 10PM and the puff still there.
Her latest pic last night.
This morning, the puff totally gone, yippie! Alhamdulillah..
Talking about allergy, normally it will totally gone within 24 to 48 hours. It may be harmless but certain allergy can be fatal! So you have to watch out for other clue especially on the breathing. If your child having difficulty to breathe, shoot to the nearest hospital straight away!
What's your fright when you send your child to babysitter?
Mine will be whenever the babysitter calls, because she won't call if nothing happen. And if accident happen and the babysitter don't tell. I hope she will tell me every single piece domestic incident, if it happens. Touch wood.
Ps: MrComot says thank you to me because I keep on breastfeed Zahra and he believes that breastmilk does the wonder in combating the allergy. This morning, the babysitter said breastfed baby is easily cured for mishap like this. I'm not saying it's totally because of the breastmilk, it's Allah's will. Put that aside, no other formula can beat breasmilk, so if you have the chances to BF your anak, keep on doing it! ;)
I received a call from my babysitter around 5.20PM telling me that her daughter gave Zahra some food and caused her some allergy. According to her, there are red patches under her eyes and diaper area. The moment I heard that, I was quite calm because I know it won't be that bad, but saspen jugak kalau sampai call2 ni kan. I just pesan to the babysitter to check on her breathing, to see if she has difficulty on it. Coincidently MrComot also finished his meeting, so I quickly pick him from Menara and shoot to pick Zahra.
The moment I saw Zahra, I was stunned to the max! I expect to see some red dots on the face and body but instead, her whole body is SWOLLEN and redden like grilled prawn! She can barely open her eyes due to the puffed eyelids and cries the moment I picked her. My poor baby!
Her breathing is ok at that time only that she is super weak. She just keep crying softly and slumped her body on my shoulder, hence she felt heavier than usual. That worries me because it is an indicator she can't or just don't have the energy to hold herself.
By the way, this is what the daughter fed Zahra Elena:
Haha now I feel like laughing. So most probably Zahra has allergy towards dairy. I hope it isn't permanent because life without dairy? Kesiannya dia...
Ok back to the story, we planned to bring her to her normal doctor near to our house for checkup. Zahra was sleeping while bf-ing through out the journey and guess what? Jem la pulak!! What's wrong la KL ni..geram betul. Time2 emergency selalu la macam ni. I prayed so hard nothing major happen to her, and we arrived in front of the clinic around 730PM!
It's like 2 hours after the breakdown.
And guess what again? All the swells gone! Ha ha ha.
*on the other note, Alhamdulillah ;)*
The skin back to normal, no more red patches and swollen fingers or leg. Only the eyes still a bit puffed and tiba-tiba dia aktif balik. Keep on jumping and blabbing in the car so we think, ok lah kut, no need to go to the clinic.
She was all good until she peed! She cries so hard! When the allergy attacked, she scratched almost everywhere especially on the diaper area and the buttock and it leaves fresh wound. So whenever she pees, it sting and itchy at the same time I guess, because she was crying while scratching the diaper :(
Kesian dia. I pujuk2 dia nak bagi BF pun tanak. I quickly remove the diaper, wash the area with cold water and leave her diaper-less, put some bedak sejuk gamat and try to distract her with anything that I can think of.
I put her to bed around 10PM and the puff still there.
She slept like usual last night only that clingier than ever. She sucks my boob practically ALL THE TIME. Normally I will pull out whenever she fell asleep but last night, whenever I do that, she will wake up and cry! There are times when she is sound asleep and the boob pulled out by itself, but suddenly she sits up and cry while closed eyes! I had to pull her towards my boob all the time because she refused to open her eyes and won't stop crying either.
Thank God she didn't cry when she peed in her sleep. Last time she cries because of peeing is around 12 midnight.
Thank God she didn't cry when she peed in her sleep. Last time she cries because of peeing is around 12 midnight.
This morning, the puff totally gone, yippie! Alhamdulillah..
Talking about allergy, normally it will totally gone within 24 to 48 hours. It may be harmless but certain allergy can be fatal! So you have to watch out for other clue especially on the breathing. If your child having difficulty to breathe, shoot to the nearest hospital straight away!
What's your fright when you send your child to babysitter?
Mine will be whenever the babysitter calls, because she won't call if nothing happen. And if accident happen and the babysitter don't tell. I hope she will tell me every single piece domestic incident, if it happens. Touch wood.
Ps: MrComot says thank you to me because I keep on breastfeed Zahra and he believes that breastmilk does the wonder in combating the allergy. This morning, the babysitter said breastfed baby is easily cured for mishap like this. I'm not saying it's totally because of the breastmilk, it's Allah's will. Put that aside, no other formula can beat breasmilk, so if you have the chances to BF your anak, keep on doing it! ;)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Langkawi - Day 2
This is the continuance of my travelogue to Langkawi.
Sunday, 9th January 2011 (Langkawi Cable Car)
Our day started with beautiful sunny morning. Zahra Elena still has slight fever but she is happy as ever.
First day breakfast in the hotel. I only managed to eat 1 plate as the pic above because Zahra starts to throw tantrums immediately after that
I guess she is not used to the early morning breakfast stuff. Or maybe the new environment. Or maybe simply because she wasn't that well. All she wants to do is 'walking'. We had to take turn holding her hands and she will direct us where ever she wants to go.
Since she wasn't well, we returned to our room after breakfast and settled her for morning nap. We started our journey to Langkawi Cable Car around noon.
My friend advised us to bring jacket as it can be pretty cold but since we went there when the sun is on top of the head, it's kinda hot actually but with breezy wind. I don't know how high it's from the sea but the view is spectacular! You get to see forests, waterfalls and sea with such height. The gondola is not air-conditioned, it has few inches gap at the top for the natural air and so refreshing!
A glimpse of air terjun Telaga Tujuh (Seven Walls waterfall). It is so beautiful on the naked eyes. My camera didn't do justice.
The curve hanging bridge at the top station. They are says about you if you pee here, the urine won't reach down there haha. Just to show how high it is.
We have to climb down the trekking track to go to the hanging bridge. It was pretty easy but climbing up (going back to the cable car base) is a challenge! And a double challenge to MrComot as he is carrying a 8kilos baby with him and he is also bow-legged! Kesian my hubby ok, 3-4 hari juga rasa sakit lutut haha. I forgot about his knee, as I was very excited suruh dia stop here and there and pose for pictures. I mean, there's nothing much I can do about it right, but at least be more prihatin maybe? hehe. Sorry baby!
We only went about a quarter of the bridge because it was very breezy and hot. Takut Zahra sakit banyak pulak nanti. The view is amazing! You have to go to this bridge if you ride the cable car. Kalau boleh until the end!
MrComot had oyakudon which is too salty and tasted like ayam padprik, and me had tempura lunch set. The tempura so sedap but a bit oily and use our local vegetable instead the of the normal japanese stuff.
Zahra's first taste of icecream. Suka betul dia, keep on pulling MrComot's for more lick.
Anyway, she's allergic to that particular dairy I think because few red dots appeared at the mouth and neck after a while. Before ni pernah bagi but only few titik, tak sampai half a teaspoon pun hehe, and ok je. Will try again later.
Zahra Elena was asleep all the way on the car so we decided to straight away go to bandar Kuah for some shopping. Kesian my baby, I had to woke her up when we arrived and she managed to nap about 40mins, kira ok lah.. Now that I'm writing about this made me remember, when you traveling with baby, everything is about them. Kena make sure ada nap la.. cukup makan la hehehe. Not that I am angry with that, it's just things are different when there was only you, then you and baby. The priorities changed totally.
There are many shops in Kuah town like Haji Ismail Group, Idaman Suri, Zeno, Langkawi Duty Free Shop, etc. It's like an array of shops in same area, selling same stuff. The price is the same (for the diningware) and ada beza singgit dua for the chocs, depends on the brand. The ultimate different is the choices. So you do survey to see what you like to buy. If you already has the list, don't have to scout all shops, boleh terus beli.
As I still a bit clueless because I don't really plan shop in Langkawi, so I visited almost all the shops there hehehe.
Oh ya, sini memang heaven for Corelle, Pyrex, Arcopal, Tefal, Visions, and some japanese and china brand cookingware.

We reached our hotel quite early and my little one's fever is barely there, she looks macam ok that evening, so decided to hit the swimming pool. This is Zahra Elena's first time contact with pool! I so semangat siap belikan dia swimsuit ok hehehe.
She loves the pool very much! Just look at her face! She was all giggling and kicking the water with her feet.
We had:
1) Chili Green Mussels
2) French fries without salt for Zahra Elena
3) Asparagus Belacan
4) Crabmeat soup
5) Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab
6) Steam Garoupa with ginger and soy sauce
The best dish will be #1 and #6. Mussel to pedas giler so kick! And the fish is so fresh.
Since we had lobster on the first night, we give it a pass that day. But lobster in Orkid Ria is cheaper by RM2 per 100g from Wonderland.
That will recap our second day in Langkawi!
Sunday, 9th January 2011 (Langkawi Cable Car)
Our day started with beautiful sunny morning. Zahra Elena still has slight fever but she is happy as ever.

I guess she is not used to the early morning breakfast stuff. Or maybe the new environment. Or maybe simply because she wasn't that well. All she wants to do is 'walking'. We had to take turn holding her hands and she will direct us where ever she wants to go.
Since she wasn't well, we returned to our room after breakfast and settled her for morning nap. We started our journey to Langkawi Cable Car around noon.
My friend advised us to bring jacket as it can be pretty cold but since we went there when the sun is on top of the head, it's kinda hot actually but with breezy wind. I don't know how high it's from the sea but the view is spectacular! You get to see forests, waterfalls and sea with such height. The gondola is not air-conditioned, it has few inches gap at the top for the natural air and so refreshing!

Anyway, she's allergic to that particular dairy I think because few red dots appeared at the mouth and neck after a while. Before ni pernah bagi but only few titik, tak sampai half a teaspoon pun hehe, and ok je. Will try again later.
There are also rabbit farm and deer farm in the oriental village but Zahra was restless already and it was very hot, so we give it a pass ;(
Zahra Elena was asleep all the way on the car so we decided to straight away go to bandar Kuah for some shopping. Kesian my baby, I had to woke her up when we arrived and she managed to nap about 40mins, kira ok lah.. Now that I'm writing about this made me remember, when you traveling with baby, everything is about them. Kena make sure ada nap la.. cukup makan la hehehe. Not that I am angry with that, it's just things are different when there was only you, then you and baby. The priorities changed totally.
There are many shops in Kuah town like Haji Ismail Group, Idaman Suri, Zeno, Langkawi Duty Free Shop, etc. It's like an array of shops in same area, selling same stuff. The price is the same (for the diningware) and ada beza singgit dua for the chocs, depends on the brand. The ultimate different is the choices. So you do survey to see what you like to buy. If you already has the list, don't have to scout all shops, boleh terus beli.
As I still a bit clueless because I don't really plan shop in Langkawi, so I visited almost all the shops there hehehe.
Oh ya, sini memang heaven for Corelle, Pyrex, Arcopal, Tefal, Visions, and some japanese and china brand cookingware.

And I went crazy over their chocolates! Spend more than RM500 for the chocs itself! I'll post about the chocs later.
We reached our hotel quite early and my little one's fever is barely there, she looks macam ok that evening, so decided to hit the swimming pool. This is Zahra Elena's first time contact with pool! I so semangat siap belikan dia swimsuit ok hehehe.

We had our dinner at Orkid Ria in Chenang.

1) Chili Green Mussels
2) French fries without salt for Zahra Elena
3) Asparagus Belacan
4) Crabmeat soup
5) Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab
6) Steam Garoupa with ginger and soy sauce
The best dish will be #1 and #6. Mussel to pedas giler so kick! And the fish is so fresh.

That will recap our second day in Langkawi!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Pumpkin Kecut
I was browsing the old virtual albums in my PC yesterday evening when I came across this pic:-
It was in March 2008 when we went to Zoo Melaka! Oh my God..I almost forgot that we did a lot of outdoor thing together those days. Do you know we also went to My Chemical Romance concert in Stadium Merdeka? It was in Dec 2007. Haha so crazy! Yeah you will say crazy too because we are not that type of hype people. So muda remaja that time haha. I wrote about it in my blogdrive account but it has been terminated due to inactiveness. Ruginya :(
Anyway back to the pic. We weren't married yet that time and I was sooooooo BAM BAM! Actually not really bam bam, it's normal to me, only that I am super thin now.
I showed this pic to MrComot and his reaction was
MrComot: Oh my God...tembamnya sayang!!! Macam pumpkin! *excited tone*
Me: So, now macam apa?!
MrComot: Pumpkin kecut *while giggling and walk away*
Haha keji kan!! Pumpkin kecut! Anyway I think I looked adorable that time, must gain some kilos then.
Below is our latest picture, I snapped it in the lift after sending Zahra Elena to her babysitter.
Anyway today is MrComot's birthday! I didn't buy him anything because I don't have the time to! Ya lahh alasan. The truth is, I don't know what to give la..how how how? Any idea guys?
Hmm and I don't have any special plan too.
Managed to wish him pun this morning while he's replying email through his phone can? So busy these days.
Wishing my hubby all the best in his life! And loves loves lovesssss ya!

Anyway back to the pic. We weren't married yet that time and I was sooooooo BAM BAM! Actually not really bam bam, it's normal to me, only that I am super thin now.
I showed this pic to MrComot and his reaction was
MrComot: Oh my God...tembamnya sayang!!! Macam pumpkin! *excited tone*
Me: So, now macam apa?!
MrComot: Pumpkin kecut *while giggling and walk away*
Haha keji kan!! Pumpkin kecut! Anyway I think I looked adorable that time, must gain some kilos then.
Below is our latest picture, I snapped it in the lift after sending Zahra Elena to her babysitter.
Anyway today is MrComot's birthday! I didn't buy him anything because I don't have the time to! Ya lahh alasan. The truth is, I don't know what to give la..how how how? Any idea guys?
Hmm and I don't have any special plan too.
Managed to wish him pun this morning while he's replying email through his phone can? So busy these days.
Wishing my hubby all the best in his life! And loves loves lovesssss ya!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Parenting Style
Wanted to continue update on Langkawi trip but distracted by few parenting sites and you know la, browsing is addictive! I click here click there, and it's never end. The wonder of internet.
While browsing I found this one little quiz on your parenting style and this is my style, an optimizer!

Pros and Cons. So true! Kalau ada org visit malam2 pun kesian Zahra as I will delay her sleeptime until she can't really take it. But that's so me, adaptability.
So let see what's yours? :D
While browsing I found this one little quiz on your parenting style and this is my style, an optimizer!

Wahh dia tulis bagus-bagus je kan. Maybe true...maybe not! After all it's only based on few questions but this definitely fire up my spirit to be better mommy each day!

So let see what's yours? :D
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Eggy Time
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Langkawi - Day 1
Finally I managed to squeeze some effort to update about the Langkawi trip. It was a 3 nights 4 days trip and I would say a tiring one! This is our first time bringing little one jalan-jalan and oh my...it's not easy. Most of it is because she's not so well, kesian dia, but I think she had a good time there.
Saturday, 8th January 2011
We took the flight + hotel ticket from AirAsia and stayed in Meritus Pelangi Langkawi Resort. I will write an entry on the hotel in separate story.
We started our journey around 8AM as our flight is at 10AM. Started to pack the night before but pagi2 pun macam2 tertinggal, baju Zahra tak cukup la, her wet wipes la..haha..all is about her. We planned to have breakfast in airport but was a bit rushed, so quickly checked in and had some light food to combat the hunger.
It is the most expensive breakfast (considering the food) we ever had! Nasi lemak tu plain je, sambal ikan bilis with telur bahagi 8 haha. So, kalau cukup masa, jgn la makan kat kedai lepas check in tu ok ;)
She wasn't so well that day, her temp is about 37.5 deg but still a good sport. Thank you darling!
After breakfast, while waiting to board. Zahra all jumpy and happy with the cold steel chair. All she wanted to do is sucking the handle ish ish ish.
We didn't bring our stroller so Zahra is in the kangaroo pouch most of the time. Kesian dia, dah la dia panas kan (because of the fever) so she was wriggling restless after a while.
Zahra Elena with her new hairclip! I made this before we off to Langkawi, it is a rushed job and didn't come out like the one I imagined :(
Tapi comel kan? Comel la kata la comel haha. Stay tuned for more hairclips, I have to practice before betul2 puas hati untuk jual ;)
We reached Langkawi around 11AM, haggle for car rental at the airport, got an automatic Viva for RM150 for 3 days! Not so bad lah kan. Since we don't know where to have our lunch, MrComot just turn on his GPS and found a nearby ikan bakar stall on the way to Chenang.
This stall sells various type of grilled fish and seafood and ready-cooked lauk-pauk. You'll be spoiled for choices! Not to mention that is cheap! Just look at the price tag.
We arrived the hotel quite early as the check-in time is at 2PM so we had to wait for a while. Zahra playing with the display trishaw at the hotel.
After checked in and freshen up, we wandering the Kuah town to see the duty free shops. Kuah is a small town and we managed to visit almost all the major shops like Haji Ismail Group, Zeno, Idaman Suri, and Langkawi Fair Shopping complex. I went to Langkawi Fair complex because I read that they sell cheap Clarks and Hush Puppies shoes. Tipu je la..sama je harga..or maybe I'm not sure the real price.
Didn't buy anything major yet (just few bits of chocs) because I still want to see few other shops before decided on what to buy. Seee perempuan! Haha because we didn't really plan to shop in Langkawi, but bila pergi kedai2 tu, rambang mata ok.
Had dinner in Wonderland, Kuah town. It's recommended by our rental car guy and it was full that night! Luckily we managed to get a table immediately but still, we had to wait for almost 1 hour for our food to arrive! People still patronizing that place at 10PM! Maybe because it was Saturday night.
Clockwise - Grilled lobster (decorated with carrot-net), steamed snapper with garlic and chili padi, deep fried squid, and baby kailan with garlic. Lobster is pretty cheap in Wonderland, it is priced at Rm18 per 100g.
Zahra can sit still kejap je, lepas tu nak berjalan-jalan lah.
That's pretty much summed up what we did in Langkawi on the 1st day.
Since tomorrow is public holiday, I won't be updating on Langkawi story (or other story too! Hehe depending on my availability). And I am extend my holiday til Friday! :D
Hope you guys have a good weekend!
Finally I managed to squeeze some effort to update about the Langkawi trip. It was a 3 nights 4 days trip and I would say a tiring one! This is our first time bringing little one jalan-jalan and oh my...it's not easy. Most of it is because she's not so well, kesian dia, but I think she had a good time there.
Saturday, 8th January 2011
We took the flight + hotel ticket from AirAsia and stayed in Meritus Pelangi Langkawi Resort. I will write an entry on the hotel in separate story.
We started our journey around 8AM as our flight is at 10AM. Started to pack the night before but pagi2 pun macam2 tertinggal, baju Zahra tak cukup la, her wet wipes la..haha..all is about her. We planned to have breakfast in airport but was a bit rushed, so quickly checked in and had some light food to combat the hunger.
It is the most expensive breakfast (considering the food) we ever had! Nasi lemak tu plain je, sambal ikan bilis with telur bahagi 8 haha. So, kalau cukup masa, jgn la makan kat kedai lepas check in tu ok ;)
She wasn't so well that day, her temp is about 37.5 deg but still a good sport. Thank you darling!

Tapi comel kan? Comel la kata la comel haha. Stay tuned for more hairclips, I have to practice before betul2 puas hati untuk jual ;)
We reached Langkawi around 11AM, haggle for car rental at the airport, got an automatic Viva for RM150 for 3 days! Not so bad lah kan. Since we don't know where to have our lunch, MrComot just turn on his GPS and found a nearby ikan bakar stall on the way to Chenang.

After checked in and freshen up, we wandering the Kuah town to see the duty free shops. Kuah is a small town and we managed to visit almost all the major shops like Haji Ismail Group, Zeno, Idaman Suri, and Langkawi Fair Shopping complex. I went to Langkawi Fair complex because I read that they sell cheap Clarks and Hush Puppies shoes. Tipu je la..sama je harga..or maybe I'm not sure the real price.
Didn't buy anything major yet (just few bits of chocs) because I still want to see few other shops before decided on what to buy. Seee perempuan! Haha because we didn't really plan to shop in Langkawi, but bila pergi kedai2 tu, rambang mata ok.
Had dinner in Wonderland, Kuah town. It's recommended by our rental car guy and it was full that night! Luckily we managed to get a table immediately but still, we had to wait for almost 1 hour for our food to arrive! People still patronizing that place at 10PM! Maybe because it was Saturday night.

This is the episode where she started not to eat a single solid food. I guess she was too excited, with different air and people. Since it is off-peak, the places full of white man and they are very friendly 'hello-ing' her. Maybe she was a bit overwhelmed with all the attentions.
That's pretty much summed up what we did in Langkawi on the 1st day.
Since tomorrow is public holiday, I won't be updating on Langkawi story (or other story too! Hehe depending on my availability). And I am extend my holiday til Friday! :D
Hope you guys have a good weekend!
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