Sunday, 9th January 2011 (Langkawi Cable Car)
Our day started with beautiful sunny morning. Zahra Elena still has slight fever but she is happy as ever.

I guess she is not used to the early morning breakfast stuff. Or maybe the new environment. Or maybe simply because she wasn't that well. All she wants to do is 'walking'. We had to take turn holding her hands and she will direct us where ever she wants to go.
Since she wasn't well, we returned to our room after breakfast and settled her for morning nap. We started our journey to Langkawi Cable Car around noon.
My friend advised us to bring jacket as it can be pretty cold but since we went there when the sun is on top of the head, it's kinda hot actually but with breezy wind. I don't know how high it's from the sea but the view is spectacular! You get to see forests, waterfalls and sea with such height. The gondola is not air-conditioned, it has few inches gap at the top for the natural air and so refreshing!

Anyway, she's allergic to that particular dairy I think because few red dots appeared at the mouth and neck after a while. Before ni pernah bagi but only few titik, tak sampai half a teaspoon pun hehe, and ok je. Will try again later.
There are also rabbit farm and deer farm in the oriental village but Zahra was restless already and it was very hot, so we give it a pass ;(
Zahra Elena was asleep all the way on the car so we decided to straight away go to bandar Kuah for some shopping. Kesian my baby, I had to woke her up when we arrived and she managed to nap about 40mins, kira ok lah.. Now that I'm writing about this made me remember, when you traveling with baby, everything is about them. Kena make sure ada nap la.. cukup makan la hehehe. Not that I am angry with that, it's just things are different when there was only you, then you and baby. The priorities changed totally.
There are many shops in Kuah town like Haji Ismail Group, Idaman Suri, Zeno, Langkawi Duty Free Shop, etc. It's like an array of shops in same area, selling same stuff. The price is the same (for the diningware) and ada beza singgit dua for the chocs, depends on the brand. The ultimate different is the choices. So you do survey to see what you like to buy. If you already has the list, don't have to scout all shops, boleh terus beli.
As I still a bit clueless because I don't really plan shop in Langkawi, so I visited almost all the shops there hehehe.
Oh ya, sini memang heaven for Corelle, Pyrex, Arcopal, Tefal, Visions, and some japanese and china brand cookingware.

And I went crazy over their chocolates! Spend more than RM500 for the chocs itself! I'll post about the chocs later.
We reached our hotel quite early and my little one's fever is barely there, she looks macam ok that evening, so decided to hit the swimming pool. This is Zahra Elena's first time contact with pool! I so semangat siap belikan dia swimsuit ok hehehe.

We had our dinner at Orkid Ria in Chenang.

1) Chili Green Mussels
2) French fries without salt for Zahra Elena
3) Asparagus Belacan
4) Crabmeat soup
5) Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab
6) Steam Garoupa with ginger and soy sauce
The best dish will be #1 and #6. Mussel to pedas giler so kick! And the fish is so fresh.

That will recap our second day in Langkawi!
ReplyDeleteAPA?!!! VISIONS?!!! PERIUK VISIONS?!!!!
bila la me nak sambar 1 set ni? hm...
aan nak tanya...tho off topik macam mana u encourage zara supaya berjalan?i know girls nyer development cepat sikit....but my son nih menonggeng je keje dia..huhuhu.
ReplyDeletehi aan!
ReplyDeleteerghhh. telan air liur bila lihat all ur pics. really need vacation in the nearest time. tsk. tsk.
ai pun suka beli kitchenware kalau pergi langkawi. Ismail Group is the best. banyak choice sampai juling mata nak pilih. haha.
btw aan, Zahra Elena dah start berjalan ke?.
ReplyDeleteHahaha me tak sambar too..sbb pegi beli menda lain ingat tak perlu. Now rasa mcm rugi pulak tak beli huhuhu. Mmg murah giler compared to outside.
Zahra tak boleh jalan lagi tau..cuma dia suka jalan la (me have to pegang tangan dia sebelah, mcm pimpin dia). Me just ajak dia pegi jalan ke kitchen ke, instead of dukung dia. But I think you shoudn't worry yet. Azryl belum setahun lagi kan. They will pick up when they want to I guess. Cuma kalau delay sangat baru kita start check possibilities.
I know! You worry Kaisy tak jalan lagi kan hehehe. Our dotter about the same age, Zahra pun tak jalan lagi la. Dah la anak neighbour sebelah lahir sama gan Zahra, tapi dah jalan steady je hehe. But don't worry la..they will when they are ready ;)
And me pun terkejut yg u pegi checkup and they said kalau x boleh jalan after 1y6m bahaya kan? Because I've seen anak org lain dlm 1y8m baru jalan. Now anak kita baru dlm 1y1m, so lepak dulu la kut hehe. So far Zahra boleh jalan 3 step without holding onto anything, but dia mcm tak interested nak keep it up, maybe dia tak ready lagi. So just give her some time lah..
em maria tak larat nak p naik bridge tu..rugi betul rasa..huhu
ReplyDeleteSeems delicious.. tapi "halal" ke orkid ria tu?
ReplyDeleteMe mula2 malas turun, tapi alang2 dah sampai kan. U tgh preggy, takleh penat2 sgt..takpe nnt boleh pegi again ;)
Halal. They serve seafood only, and all the chicken and beef insyaAllah halal. And takde liquor in their food (unless requested I guess). Kalau you search online pun they are listed under halal restaurant.
But they do serve alcoholic drinks as it is in tourist area.
ooo...ok... me planning to have a short vacation at langkawi this year. so, it's going to be a dine-in list at langkawi.
ReplyDeletePerh.. lapo tgk review pasal makan..
ReplyDeletennti saya link pada my blog..