Finally I managed to squeeze some effort to update about the Langkawi trip. It was a 3 nights 4 days trip and I would say a tiring one! This is our first time bringing little one jalan-jalan and oh's not easy. Most of it is because she's not so well, kesian dia, but I think she had a good time there.
Saturday, 8th January 2011
We took the flight + hotel ticket from AirAsia and stayed in Meritus Pelangi Langkawi Resort. I will write an entry on the hotel in separate story.
We started our journey around 8AM as our flight is at 10AM. Started to pack the night before but pagi2 pun macam2 tertinggal, baju Zahra tak cukup la, her wet wipes la..haha..all is about her. We planned to have breakfast in airport but was a bit rushed, so quickly checked in and had some light food to combat the hunger.
It is the most expensive breakfast (considering the food) we ever had! Nasi lemak tu plain je, sambal ikan bilis with telur bahagi 8 haha. So, kalau cukup masa, jgn la makan kat kedai lepas check in tu ok ;)
She wasn't so well that day, her temp is about 37.5 deg but still a good sport. Thank you darling!

Tapi comel kan? Comel la kata la comel haha. Stay tuned for more hairclips, I have to practice before betul2 puas hati untuk jual ;)
We reached Langkawi around 11AM, haggle for car rental at the airport, got an automatic Viva for RM150 for 3 days! Not so bad lah kan. Since we don't know where to have our lunch, MrComot just turn on his GPS and found a nearby ikan bakar stall on the way to Chenang.

After checked in and freshen up, we wandering the Kuah town to see the duty free shops. Kuah is a small town and we managed to visit almost all the major shops like Haji Ismail Group, Zeno, Idaman Suri, and Langkawi Fair Shopping complex. I went to Langkawi Fair complex because I read that they sell cheap Clarks and Hush Puppies shoes. Tipu je la..sama je harga..or maybe I'm not sure the real price.
Didn't buy anything major yet (just few bits of chocs) because I still want to see few other shops before decided on what to buy. Seee perempuan! Haha because we didn't really plan to shop in Langkawi, but bila pergi kedai2 tu, rambang mata ok.
Had dinner in Wonderland, Kuah town. It's recommended by our rental car guy and it was full that night! Luckily we managed to get a table immediately but still, we had to wait for almost 1 hour for our food to arrive! People still patronizing that place at 10PM! Maybe because it was Saturday night.

This is the episode where she started not to eat a single solid food. I guess she was too excited, with different air and people. Since it is off-peak, the places full of white man and they are very friendly 'hello-ing' her. Maybe she was a bit overwhelmed with all the attentions.
That's pretty much summed up what we did in Langkawi on the 1st day.
Since tomorrow is public holiday, I won't be updating on Langkawi story (or other story too! Hehe depending on my availability). And I am extend my holiday til Friday! :D
Hope you guys have a good weekend!
bila la kami nak pi langkawi lagi nie? isk isk isk...
syg maria p awal skit..klu tak leh dating kat langkawi kan..;)
ReplyDeleteHehe me ada coklat utk u
Tu la..tak sangka ramai pulak pegi langkawi end of the year. Kalau sama time dah boleh deting2 ;)