It was drizzling yesterday evening when we picked little one from her babysitter. Also we reached quite late, around 7pm and both of us struck in awe when we saw this beautiful rainbow from our parking.
We quickly snap a few pictures and keep on saying
"Oh my God sayang..tengok tu cantik nya..."
and even came out from the car, watch in a total silent admiring His creation. Our action drew some attention I guess, that one old man just about to park his bike, stop and said to me
"Haaa..orang tua cakap jangan tunjuk, nanti jari bengkok"
Hahaha..I almost forgot about the myth, don't point at a rainbow or ur finger (or hands?) will be amputated. Anyway funny thing is, MrComot never heard of the myth, so 'Malay' lah you! But he got different version of stories where if you follow the rainbow till the end, you will find a pot of gold! I like his version better :D
The magical moment is we get to see a complete rainbow! OMG, this is a very rare occasion to me. In fact this is my first time seeing a whole semi-sphere rainbow. It's so beautiful, subhanallah...
By the way my compact camera doesn't do justice, it's much prettier on the naked eyes ;)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
My house messed like shit
I was busy doing some ironing last night at the living hall and when I was standing while holding my piles of ironed shirt, which gives me bird's view on my house, I was gawking and said "OMG my house mess like shit"
Like seriously.
It's never been this messy before. Or maybe it has but it didn't tug my heart this much heeeee.. Anyway, I quickly snap a pic using my phone because I find it amusing (and because I am weird like that) and immediately open my laptop to upload this pic, boleh? Bukannya nak kemas rumah.

Yes, the pic is uploaded last night but I was too sleepy after that and can't write anything about it and when straight to the bed. It's not only living hall like this..the mess is everywhere, only the kitchen is super clean because I lay no hands there ha ha ha.
Anyway yes, it's pretty much the same this morning. Stuffs still here and there, only empty vitagen bottle and used tissue paper weren't there. Manage to throw them into dustbin ha ha ha.
How I wish we have 3-days weekend...or more!
Day1-outing to malls
Day2-clean house and prepare grand dinner like lemon rosemary chicken
Day3-cuddle all day!
Day4-visit family
Day5-baking some stuff for colleague
2 days is definitely not enough.
Like seriously.
It's never been this messy before. Or maybe it has but it didn't tug my heart this much heeeee.. Anyway, I quickly snap a pic using my phone because I find it amusing (and because I am weird like that) and immediately open my laptop to upload this pic, boleh? Bukannya nak kemas rumah.

Yes, the pic is uploaded last night but I was too sleepy after that and can't write anything about it and when straight to the bed. It's not only living hall like this..the mess is everywhere, only the kitchen is super clean because I lay no hands there ha ha ha.
Anyway yes, it's pretty much the same this morning. Stuffs still here and there, only empty vitagen bottle and used tissue paper weren't there. Manage to throw them into dustbin ha ha ha.
How I wish we have 3-days weekend...or more!
Day1-outing to malls
Day2-clean house and prepare grand dinner like lemon rosemary chicken
Day3-cuddle all day!
Day4-visit family
Day5-baking some stuff for colleague
2 days is definitely not enough.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Giant Baby Needs Sale
Everybody is talking about this Giant baby needs sale and coincidently we are short in diaper so we quickly give a check today and surprisingly it's really cheap. We are still using MamyPoko for Zahra and stocked up a whole bunch for her.
The cheapest I've ever found for M66 is RM43.90 in Carrefour, that's about 66sen each but the price is quite hard to get. Normal price will be RM55.
The current promotion Giant selling is at RM29.90 for M44 and that's about 68sen each (still one ringgit more than the jumbo pack if x 66pieces) but it's still a good deal to me as I don't know when we are going to get this price again (not to mention we have to check time to time at carrefour, tesco, giant, jusco, etc for the 43.90 deal) so we just grabbed the max we can.
By the way, the t&c is one person can buy 3 pack max, so here we are, 6 packs on total.

Not only MamyPoko there, also got Drypers, Huggies and Petpet (this one not so sure because I didn't see any but according to my friend, ada). This sale is from 25th - 27th June 2010. The milk and baby toiletries is also on sale. And you'll get free gifts on top of every RM80 purchase from baby department! Err..I think, or maybe for total purchase from Giant. I'm not sure, sorry!
Ehh..come to think it's quite expensive using disposable diaper. Maybe I should start to consider using cloth diaper now..hmmm...
Anyway, happy weekends and enjoy shopping!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Babies grow up like a lightning. Their development is really magical from tiny little helpless tot to..hmm I don't know. Today she can grab my hair and tomorrow she will kick my boobs!
Every little thing she can do now is piling up my amazement so I'm gonna write those small details before I blink my eyes and ta-dah, Mummy, I am 21 already!
So Zahra current hobbies now is roll over since this is new to her. She's yet to master the art of rolling back, so most of the time she will cry for my help to put her back on her back :P

And I noticed that she just discovered her toes this few days that she's so attached to it! She tried to grab the toes (right toes to be exact) most of the time and once successfully suck the whole toes when I was busy doing something else! Talk about flexibility.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Blood Test
The result for my full blood test just came back and I am so relieved that everything is alright. The last time I did a full screening was before married, that was like 3 years ago. I'm not really a health concious person, but I think yearly check-up is necessary. Furthermore my lifestyle is not even close to the ideal lifestyle - I eat almost everything especially when it comes to seafood and sweet things a.k.a sinful sugar and not to forget that I don't exercise. The only exercise I do now is breastfeeding as it says can burn calories up to 500kcal per session but it doesn't include any muscle activities.
The screening is quite comprehensive but the highlights will always be the cholesterol and sugar level.

Glucose at 4.0 (reference range: 3.9-6.1). Seems like I still can stuff all the fancy donuts! :D

Cholesterol is at 4.4 falls under desirable range *ehem*. However my LDL is a bit on high side (ideally will be below 2.58). I always mixed up between good and bad cholesterol but MrComot gives me a good way to remember - L is for lousy. So LDL is bad :P
Apart from the test, the lab also give me a nice folder complete with human anatomy and 'common symptom that you might be at risk for disease' chart, also common dietary reference and it comes to my surprise that lamb has lower cholesterol content than beef and salmon! I always thought lamb has very high cholesterol due to the "kambing panas!".
Oh ya, stay away from those tiny quail's egg. Kecil kecil cili padi, kolesterol paling tinggi!
Ps: Don't forget to check yours, prevention is better than cure ;)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Eating in a Garden
Quite sometimes jugak me didn't post any entry about food eh. Basically because we don't eat out anymore! Not that I cook also ha ha ha. With a baby in hands, it is easier for us to tapau food home. When we want to go out, we will have lunch first at home, and stroll the mall after that. There are times when we tried to have lunch outside but time-time tu la Zahra cranky la apa la.
Anyway we broke the record last week. Had lunch at KLCC (my girlfriends outing) on Saturday and Father's Day lunch in The Curve on Sunday - both occasions with little one tagging along. And guess what, we were doing just fine!
On that Sunday, we had lunch at this new place called The Gardens. It's in between of The Curve and Cineleisure, facing the market street. The place have this nice ambiance with cool shades of flowers and leaves all over you. Like literally. And pots of greens are everywhere!
The outside seating place (not air-conditioned but still cool from the big fan), facing the marketplace.
MrComot studying the menu.
The menu is pretty extensive. From western to eastern. Rib eye steak to mee goreng mamak. Pastries and cakes. Not to mention the drinks! I was drooling over the choices, they got this Rose Soda (which I think could be soda + syrup rose essence? but the name is very pretty!) and lots of hot tea (they have this one named garden rose I think and will try next!) Oh well, I am sucker for teas especially flavored one.
The menu is very pretty with English theme. They even put some cute info like info about cherry trees (and with illustrations!), birth flowers, etc. I snapped one zooming for totilla's birth flowers - it is carnation!
Interesting eh? And I never know carnation got smells? At least the one I bought doesn't have any :(
And I had 200g sirloin steak medium well on a bed of french beans and sauteed shitake mushroom with potato salad. The potato salad is OMG so delicious. Will order this ONLY on return visit (if it's in the menu, can't really remember, too many!). Btw, I am really into red meat this few weeks because I think Zahra need more iron in the milk (I had lamb steak in Chilis previously, it's 2 days of gluttony in a row!)
And she eats it like, really eats it ha ha ha. Every time I munch or bring something to my mouth she will look with anticipation and munching the teether. I think she's about to ready with her first solid. About 2 weeks more before she reach 6 months. I have few plans already in my head what her first solid going to be, oh my..this going to be fun!
The gorgeous shades. Really garden-like. Mind you it's around 3PM so can you imagine how scorching it is actually without the leaves. Thanks to the deco and fan!
Ohhhh I so lovin' this place! The food is quite good (winning point will be the massive choices) and the price is not that bad (kinda secret recipe range). The decor somehow give me tingling sensation of romance. I'm so gonna come again and try other menu with MrComot! *splash love confetti*
Anyway we broke the record last week. Had lunch at KLCC (my girlfriends outing) on Saturday and Father's Day lunch in The Curve on Sunday - both occasions with little one tagging along. And guess what, we were doing just fine!
On that Sunday, we had lunch at this new place called The Gardens. It's in between of The Curve and Cineleisure, facing the market street. The place have this nice ambiance with cool shades of flowers and leaves all over you. Like literally. And pots of greens are everywhere!
The menu is pretty extensive. From western to eastern. Rib eye steak to mee goreng mamak. Pastries and cakes. Not to mention the drinks! I was drooling over the choices, they got this Rose Soda (which I think could be soda + syrup rose essence? but the name is very pretty!) and lots of hot tea (they have this one named garden rose I think and will try next!) Oh well, I am sucker for teas especially flavored one.
Flower meaning - Pride, beauty and Distinction. The carnation plant usually smells delightful during blossoms. The name of this richly, colorful and fragrant flower is derived from Greek words which carry the meaning, "Flower of the gods".
Interesting eh? And I never know carnation got smells? At least the one I bought doesn't have any :(
Other than this, also taste their Marinara (ordered by my sister) thumbs up for the big juicy mussels (again, I am a sucker for mussels huhuhu) and the winning dish that day will be my MIL's spaghetti in Pesto sauce with clams (not sure if that's the name). The dish is very simple with pesto sauce and clams only but very delish! Oh ya also tried the mushroom soup, thick with chunks of mushroom but I've tasted better.
Ohhhh I so lovin' this place! The food is quite good (winning point will be the massive choices) and the price is not that bad (kinda secret recipe range). The decor somehow give me tingling sensation of romance. I'm so gonna come again and try other menu with MrComot! *splash love confetti*
Friday, June 18, 2010
Lunch @home
Blogs that I dig
Hi all, just short update as I have to do lots of thing today (ha ha ha poyo je) but yeah, nak basuh baju, sidai baju, sapu sampah and maybe bake something? just want to impress MrComot shhhhhhh ok, secret here :P
Anyway as promised before I already update the link section with few resources about mommyhood. talking about it, I forgot to include online shopping that I always visit (this one later la yer).
But basically about mommies + parenting + breastfeeding is there, under Supermommies and Natural Parenting. About cloth diapering and babywearing tak ada lagi since I haven't start on CD (shame on me!) and babywearing macam malas sebab Zahra dah besar and she's fine with the stroller hehe. Oh ya, daily clicks pun I add. Food section also updated, overall, on the right side will be all links that I read daily. Ada lagi banyak I read daily actually but this one fav among fav :)
I also add google search for my blog content (in any case it is useful to you) but still haven't try it yet. Hopefully it's accurate.
Ok will try to update again later. Daa!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
On Leave
I am on emergency leave today and also tomorrow because the babysitter is not so well (sakit mata) so here I am, Domestic Goddess on practice. However I also fasting today and apparently it is not a good choice. Fasting + taking care of baby = pengsan!
Even though Zahra is an easy baby, I have to attend her most of the time because she only has me. In other word, she wants to play! And not-so-good thing is, it is only two of us so it's kinda boring here. I have to talk a lot, sing songs, tickle her and stuff resulting in SEDAPNYA KALAU BOLEH MINUM AIR MASAK. *sigh*
Anyway it's already noon and Zahra finally in slumberland, so will continue this puasa, insyAllah.
Below is a couple of her pictures want to play play play grrrrrr...
She looks all grown up eh? How fast time flies. Sometimes I miss her when she's very little and fragile.
Gotta have my shower while she's napping.
Ops..she's already awake. What? Only 15mins nap! Ok see u soon, mwah!!
Even though Zahra is an easy baby, I have to attend her most of the time because she only has me. In other word, she wants to play! And not-so-good thing is, it is only two of us so it's kinda boring here. I have to talk a lot, sing songs, tickle her and stuff resulting in SEDAPNYA KALAU BOLEH MINUM AIR MASAK. *sigh*
Anyway it's already noon and Zahra finally in slumberland, so will continue this puasa, insyAllah.
Below is a couple of her pictures want to play play play grrrrrr...
She looks all grown up eh? How fast time flies. Sometimes I miss her when she's very little and fragile.
Gotta have my shower while she's napping.
Ops..she's already awake. What? Only 15mins nap! Ok see u soon, mwah!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Crazy Hobby
Do you still remember about my entry wanting to do craft, sew and all (especially about felt), I tried to find the entry back but failed *grrr..must check back my tags*
Anyway if you know me, I am still at ZERO phase, so this could be another angan-angan mat jenin thing for andes. But the thing is I already bought some stuff when the crazy mode kicked in last time. I ordered all these when I was carrying Zahra, so must be the pregnancy hormone gagaga
All the stuff reached home when I was in confinement and it is like, 5 months ago? Still I do nothing with them! No single thing!
Cotton craft fabrics. It look much cuter in life, this pic don't do justice. Anyway, mahal2 pulak tu, the mickey one is RM30 per meter and I have it in 4 meters! Motippppp?
Miscellaneous. Hairclips, ribbons, buttons, rhinestones, glue gun and suction cups. Motipp suction cups?? I have no idea why I bought it at first place. Hmmhmmm oh ya, I wanted to do the signage for my car (zahra on board something like that), heloooooooooo...MACAM LAH PANDAI BUAT KAN? Hmmmmppphhh what's wrong with me $%$^%&&#
I know I still don't make anything out of them, but it doesn't stop there. I bought a couple of fabric stacks from IKEA last weekend and a handful meters of grossgrain ribbons *faint*
MrComot already gave me that look when I said I want to buy the stripes and cartoons fabric but I give this promising word that I am soooo gonna sew Zahra's toys with it. Can you believe it? Can you?
Ughhh..even I'm doubting myself now. By the way, I HAVE to make something, kalau tak cannot buy those yummilicious fabrics anymore. I know I am crazy like that.
Will post the produce. If any. Err....
Anyway if you know me, I am still at ZERO phase, so this could be another angan-angan mat jenin thing for andes. But the thing is I already bought some stuff when the crazy mode kicked in last time. I ordered all these when I was carrying Zahra, so must be the pregnancy hormone gagaga
All the stuff reached home when I was in confinement and it is like, 5 months ago? Still I do nothing with them! No single thing!
I know I still don't make anything out of them, but it doesn't stop there. I bought a couple of fabric stacks from IKEA last weekend and a handful meters of grossgrain ribbons *faint*
MrComot already gave me that look when I said I want to buy the stripes and cartoons fabric but I give this promising word that I am soooo gonna sew Zahra's toys with it. Can you believe it? Can you?
Ughhh..even I'm doubting myself now. By the way, I HAVE to make something, kalau tak cannot buy those yummilicious fabrics anymore. I know I am crazy like that.
Will post the produce. If any. Err....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
5-months Princess
My little one had her fifth-month jab today - hep B and this will be last compulsory jab until she is one year old. There will be optional jab for pneumococcal vaccine next month but still thinking to take it or not. How about u mommies? Do you think it's necessary?
Anyway at 5months, she is 6.6kg and 66cm. And guess what, she can roll her body already! Yeay! It started since last week when suddenly she turns, and the event proudly done twice that day! Previously at 4 months ada juga dia turn but that one was a total fluke. I was sleeping in the morning and she's already awake next to me, I guess she's very angry nobody layan her, and she wanted to wake me up, tiba2 terpusing hahaha. By the way, 5months is just average time for a baby to master this skill, most of her peers already turn when they are 3 months!!! It doesn't matter though, you do it when you are ready yer darling?
She also starts to recognize people and smile, laugh, giggles a lot. Like, really a lot. I notice that when we pick her up from babysitter, she will look into my eyes and give the sweetest giggles that make me wanna cry. So have to wait for another month and see if she starts to have preferences and cry whenever I leave her at babysitter.
Her best mood will be morning and baddest of course in the evening. Sleep time is regular at 9pm (thank you sayang!). Oh pagi2 mood sangat baik, just imagine she wakes up on weekend like usual around 7am but I still want to sleep, so I just close my eyes and she'll be playing all by herself next to me until 8am without crying or anything. In the end I wake up because kesian ok dia sorang.
That will summarize her 5-months milestone. Basically she's a very easy baby and I would like to thank you for behaving that well. Oh oh oh she has tempers too. That's when she grunts angrily asking for attention. But that one occasionally occur so mummy tak kisah lah ok. Stay well darling!
Anyway at 5months, she is 6.6kg and 66cm. And guess what, she can roll her body already! Yeay! It started since last week when suddenly she turns, and the event proudly done twice that day! Previously at 4 months ada juga dia turn but that one was a total fluke. I was sleeping in the morning and she's already awake next to me, I guess she's very angry nobody layan her, and she wanted to wake me up, tiba2 terpusing hahaha. By the way, 5months is just average time for a baby to master this skill, most of her peers already turn when they are 3 months!!! It doesn't matter though, you do it when you are ready yer darling?
She also starts to recognize people and smile, laugh, giggles a lot. Like, really a lot. I notice that when we pick her up from babysitter, she will look into my eyes and give the sweetest giggles that make me wanna cry. So have to wait for another month and see if she starts to have preferences and cry whenever I leave her at babysitter.
Her best mood will be morning and baddest of course in the evening. Sleep time is regular at 9pm (thank you sayang!). Oh pagi2 mood sangat baik, just imagine she wakes up on weekend like usual around 7am but I still want to sleep, so I just close my eyes and she'll be playing all by herself next to me until 8am without crying or anything. In the end I wake up because kesian ok dia sorang.
That will summarize her 5-months milestone. Basically she's a very easy baby and I would like to thank you for behaving that well. Oh oh oh she has tempers too. That's when she grunts angrily asking for attention. But that one occasionally occur so mummy tak kisah lah ok. Stay well darling!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Rockin' Hard at Hard Rock
I seriously can't make up my mind with the new template. Everything look so cool and pretty! So don't bother if you see the color keep on changing ok, it is just me - indecisive hehe.
So let's continue with my rambling, about our recent Penang trip.
One thing I learned about this trip is, you really don't care about yourself, your kid will be top priority! We didn't go to anywhere (except one night group dinner in Gurney Drive), even the 15-mins walking Feringgi Night Market *ohhhh I miss the DVDs sob sob* because Zahra is too...small? I didn't dare bringing her outside blending in the crowds at night. Because of a lot of thing - dirty + stuffy + hot + night air. And also because 9pm is already her sleep time.
Since we stayed at the hotel most of the time, this entry basically will be about Hard Rock Hotel.
Let pictures do the talking ;)
Zahra all jolly being in the car seat. This picture is when we are at the bridge. I thank God for this smooth journey, Zahra sleeps most of the time! That means I don't have to carry her and conquered the back seat, stretch my leg as far as I want. Thank you baby! You are such a wonderful princess!
The arrays of shops. They only open at night. Here is heaven for the cheap cheap thing. You can get DVDs at RM10 for 3 pieces, good imitation branded handbags (LV, Prada, Gucci, etc - I don't know how good it is as I don't carry designer handbag *cough cough* but according to my friend, their stock is better than Petaling Street!), lotsa souvenirs, antiques and junks that might be valuable to you. But you still have to haggle though. And please note that parking is extremely painful. They do reserve some spot for you to park but it is illegally charged.
Our room! We got seaview deluxe room (32m sqf) complete with a king sized bed, 32" LCD, DVD player, waterfall shower head, weighing scale, and other normal stuff - sofa, study table, etc etc. But there is no bathtub, maybe to them it's not important but bathtub is something I'm looking forward whenever I want to be in a hotel. And it's quite pricey to me for this room not to have bathtub (I'm not sure how much the price is but I heard about about RM500 per night). But you are paying for Hard Rock man, can't really compare. I'm not a star, so I don't care about the rockin' stuff, as long as I got my bathtub at sweet price, it is enough for me :P
Love love love their detailing by the way. Look at the duvet sheet. It's 300 thread count combed cotton threaded with guitar pattern in negative-positive effect! And in the whitiest white! Haha I have this fetish with white bedsheet.
The waterfall fiber optic lights at the main entrance! OMG this is soooo coooool! And the colors keep on changing too!
The deco is pretty cool too. The wall is not like normal hotel, they decorate it with tiles portraying rockstars.

Pool in the morning. Oh by the way I didn't manage to swim, because hmmmhmhmm nobody to take care of Zahra. Hehe not really, but because I'm a bit shy, the pool is too open and most of the colleague are there with their kids with proper clothes. When I said proper, you know lah the wife with hijab and long pants and all, whilst my swimsuit is like..hmmm, not that appropriate. So I decided not to swim at all.
Overall it's a nice and enjoyable stay. The room is nice, their staff is extremely helpful (especially me with little kid) and polite and I like their laid-back uniform - in 3 quarters overall and bermuda hehehe. The only drawback to me is the food. The selection is quite limited and most of the food is tasteless. Just imagine they don't even have icecream in the buffet! We didn't try the official Hard Rock Cafe though.
The shops carry a lot of merchandise especially their clothing line but NO FRIDGE MAGNET! According to the shop, they just submitted the paper to produce FM and is waiting for HQ to approve it.
Oh ya, I also disappointed with their restrooms. Since it is new, I expect it to be modern and fab, you know the toilet seat with buttons to squirt water, flush and all. Very gadgety. It turn out to be normal toilet by the way. Oh well, it's Malaysia, who bothers about toilets right?
If you are going to stay at this hotel, I highly recommend the Lagoon Deluxe. The room is extended with extra deck plus 2 beach chairs. You can jump to the pool straight from your room! And it's kinda private too, because nobody from other room really swim on that area. It's the coooolesssttttt idea ever! Sorry no picture! I did snap it but hmmhmm I don't know why I didn't transfer it earlier and I just want to finish this entry. No more pics! Hahaha.
Oklah darlings, have a good weekend!
So let's continue with my rambling, about our recent Penang trip.
One thing I learned about this trip is, you really don't care about yourself, your kid will be top priority! We didn't go to anywhere (except one night group dinner in Gurney Drive), even the 15-mins walking Feringgi Night Market *ohhhh I miss the DVDs sob sob* because Zahra is too...small? I didn't dare bringing her outside blending in the crowds at night. Because of a lot of thing - dirty + stuffy + hot + night air. And also because 9pm is already her sleep time.
Since we stayed at the hotel most of the time, this entry basically will be about Hard Rock Hotel.
Let pictures do the talking ;)
Oh ya, I like the chair very much. Kalau ada satu kat rumah kan best *berangan mode*. This is their lobby area.
Overall it's a nice and enjoyable stay. The room is nice, their staff is extremely helpful (especially me with little kid) and polite and I like their laid-back uniform - in 3 quarters overall and bermuda hehehe. The only drawback to me is the food. The selection is quite limited and most of the food is tasteless. Just imagine they don't even have icecream in the buffet! We didn't try the official Hard Rock Cafe though.
The shops carry a lot of merchandise especially their clothing line but NO FRIDGE MAGNET! According to the shop, they just submitted the paper to produce FM and is waiting for HQ to approve it.
Oh ya, I also disappointed with their restrooms. Since it is new, I expect it to be modern and fab, you know the toilet seat with buttons to squirt water, flush and all. Very gadgety. It turn out to be normal toilet by the way. Oh well, it's Malaysia, who bothers about toilets right?
If you are going to stay at this hotel, I highly recommend the Lagoon Deluxe. The room is extended with extra deck plus 2 beach chairs. You can jump to the pool straight from your room! And it's kinda private too, because nobody from other room really swim on that area. It's the coooolesssttttt idea ever! Sorry no picture! I did snap it but hmmhmm I don't know why I didn't transfer it earlier and I just want to finish this entry. No more pics! Hahaha.
Oklah darlings, have a good weekend!
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