Like seriously.
It's never been this messy before. Or maybe it has but it didn't tug my heart this much heeeee.. Anyway, I quickly snap a pic using my phone because I find it amusing (and because I am weird like that) and immediately open my laptop to upload this pic, boleh? Bukannya nak kemas rumah.

Yes, the pic is uploaded last night but I was too sleepy after that and can't write anything about it and when straight to the bed. It's not only living hall like this..the mess is everywhere, only the kitchen is super clean because I lay no hands there ha ha ha.
Anyway yes, it's pretty much the same this morning. Stuffs still here and there, only empty vitagen bottle and used tissue paper weren't there. Manage to throw them into dustbin ha ha ha.
How I wish we have 3-days weekend...or more!
Day1-outing to malls
Day2-clean house and prepare grand dinner like lemon rosemary chicken
Day3-cuddle all day!
Day4-visit family
Day5-baking some stuff for colleague
2 days is definitely not enough.
baju zahra di mana2 !! :)
ReplyDeletehaha.... kena kuatkan semangat nak kemas.. hehe
ReplyDeleteAan. same goes with me. cuma me malas nk amik gambar je sbb sure nt sendiri pening pk bila nk kemas. haha.
ReplyDeleteselamat mengemas dear!.
ReplyDeletejoin the club!
kena ubah perangai... sila pilih salah satu cara dibawah:
1. kemas pelan-pelan skit-skit dibantu suami terchinta
2. campak semua masuk 1 bilik dipanggil bilik kharun-khazanah :P
adoi panggilkan bibik tolong lipat baju, mop rumah, lap tingkap and cuci toilet, mau?
ReplyDeleteKannn! Baju dia dah conquer everywhere. Me baru basuh stock seminggu tgh hehe
Tu la! Ish ish caiyok caiyok
Ibu Alia,
Haha exactly. Me pening macam mana nak kemas, nak start dari mana hehe
Me vote #2!!! Tapi rasanya kena fall back to #1 sebab baju tak cukup byk nak buat mcm tu hehehe
Haha me thinking panggil weekly maid too, but when nak panggil je rasa pelik, rasa macam..alaa boleh buat sendiri ni..kejap lagi :))
ReplyDeletemula dengan kutip baju kotor, masuk mesin dan basuh.
kutip baju bersih masuk bakul letak bilik kharun-khazanah.
kutip mainan masuk kotak/bakul, letak tepi.
kutip sampah, pinggan mangkuk & sewaktu. letak dulu kat sinki.
lap meja, kabinet & sewaktunya.
sapu and/or mop lantai.
sidai baju.
lipat baju dan simpan dalam lemari.
tu rutin kami tiap hari ahad... letih~
I want to enjoy my singlehood dulu lah~