Have you ever eaten udang ketak?
Or have you ever seen one? --> ayat belagak sket
So behooooldddd my friends~~ Introducing you all to this del-ici-ous shell creature;
The famous or easiest I would say to eat this prawn is boil it!
This is its shit bag. So don't eat this ok. It's safer for you to pull it out before proceed to eat the whole thing.
Pull the prawn out of the body carefully and you will get a whole fresh succulent white-orangish meat!
Seriously sedappppp!! It was MrComot's first time having this and surprisingly he said it is tasty. MrComot has a weird tastebud where he couldn't take too 'original' taste, hmm how to explain?
Ha..like this, he can't take squid if it taste too squidy, and fish if it is too fishy, prawn if too prawny hahaha you get it?
Since udang ketak already falls into extinct animal, please beep me if you see any ok? I wannnt to get themmm before they totally gone, from the earth.
I hope it won't. So to all udang ketak, please hang on, don't die yet, at least until next generation so that my future kids can taste you :D
ps: On the other note, I am in a nervous state now. I'm going to drive a Wira in any minutes from now as I have to fetch my sis from Pudu and go to MidV to get something. I never drive any other car than cutie Kelisa okkk (oh ya, and Viva rena, but it is the same size kan). My kelisa is being used by my bro. Tak tahu nak agak baper panjang kereta ni! Mati laaaa~~~
Pray for my safety T_T
Or have you ever seen one? --> ayat belagak sket
So behooooldddd my friends~~ Introducing you all to this del-ici-ous shell creature;
Udang Ketak!
According to my mom, I used to eat a lot of it when I was small but poor me, I can recall any scene involving this face. She told me that it's hard to find this type prawn nowadays. Those days you can easily get it from wet market especially in northern and southeast area.
The famous or easiest I would say to eat this prawn is boil it!
Seriously sedappppp!! It was MrComot's first time having this and surprisingly he said it is tasty. MrComot has a weird tastebud where he couldn't take too 'original' taste, hmm how to explain?
Ha..like this, he can't take squid if it taste too squidy, and fish if it is too fishy, prawn if too prawny hahaha you get it?
Since udang ketak already falls into extinct animal, please beep me if you see any ok? I wannnt to get themmm before they totally gone, from the earth.
I hope it won't. So to all udang ketak, please hang on, don't die yet, at least until next generation so that my future kids can taste you :D
ps: On the other note, I am in a nervous state now. I'm going to drive a Wira in any minutes from now as I have to fetch my sis from Pudu and go to MidV to get something. I never drive any other car than cutie Kelisa okkk (oh ya, and Viva rena, but it is the same size kan). My kelisa is being used by my bro. Tak tahu nak agak baper panjang kereta ni! Mati laaaa~~~
Pray for my safety T_T