As I stated before, I still can't believe that we are married. However, marriage life seems like no much different with my normal life. I still don't cook as we don't have the gas yet. We already bought few stuffs but so far, Alhamdulillah most of the things handed free from relatives and free gifts from things we bought, like cutlery, dishes, microwave, pot, etc etc.
Anyway, this is our first meal after declared husband and wife :D

Our Saturday lunchie. Large Hawaiian Chicken + Mushroom Soup + 6 pieces of Deli Wings (nyam! I looooveeee deli wing!!)
We just ordered in due to rain and lazy bum to go outside. I hope this won't be a habit and I'll try to cook as soon as I can :D
PS: Breakfast today is 3-in-1 milo with muesli for MrComot and honey shredded wheat with milk for me. Hahaha so instant!
oklah tu..asalkan makan, kalau x makan, lg teruk..hehe..
ReplyDeletesis dulu, takde fridge for few mths, beli sayur, ikan, pastu mesti nak terus masak. letih gak..
kelaka pun ada, sempoi gila life time tu.. slalu gak makan luar, sebab ber2 je kan.. tetiap hari dating.. :)
matlamat me sblm berkahwin ialah..membeli perkakasan dapur dan bahan2 3 in 1 sebagai persediaan awal. ahaks!
ReplyDeletefridge dah ada, mesin basuh dah ada.
sape nk bg hadiah lesung..blender..rice cooker..microwave..sila maklumkan ye..supaya me tidak beli lagi *mati laa mengharap hadiah org*..:P
bravo puan hanani..
berjaya update kehidupan sebgai isteri solehah..
takpe..baru sehari. esok lusa stabil laa tu *wink*
Too lazy to cook or still can't get enough of each other? :P
ReplyDeleteannn...nak ayam masak merah...nanti masakkan utk aku..bila kitaorang gi melawat umah baru ek...hahahaha
ReplyDeleteAleeya, tu la..time dua ni la nak deting2 kan..tapi gigih la u nak masak semua without fridge, bravo!
ReplyDeleteLalink, exactly. Me dah ada MAGGI MEE okkk, instead of beras hahahaha
Asroll, that one no need to mention la kan :P
Mielia, jemput2. Nnt aku masak2 ok hahaha mcm terer je