Hi all,
Sorry for the long hiatus. I'm not feeling very well and believe it or not, I feel sick with Internet!! (hopefully this will be temporary, it's a bit handicapped without Internet) I still blog hopping to my daily doses but not as much as I used to. Anyway seems like entries on Japan will be delayed *again* as I have another story to share :)
I am pregnant!!! :D
Hahaha so plastic ok, I mean the way I announce it. Anyway this is the reason why I didn't update my blog, because I am not in a good shape, physically and mentally. It's still too early by the way, I mean the pregnancy. I am at 8 weeks or 7 weeks not sure! Ok the manual calculation by doctor is 7 weeks, but the calculation based on scanning is 8 weeks. So whatever lah, around that time :)
I took the hcg test at home when I was 1 week delay. Actually I wanted to surprise MrComot, tapi dia yang sibuk2 calculate my period circulation okkkk, so how to surprise haihhh. So this pregnancy is actually kinda expected.
Anyway, my pregnancy is not easy like the normal pregnancy. Remember when I made an entry about my
stress? I know already I am pregnant that time (around 4 weeks I guess) but I was having spotting everyday.
EVERYDAY! for about 3 weeks. I was on Duphaston that time and supposed to help me stop the spotting. After 3 days taking Duphaston, I had heavy bleeding and I was
freaking out! That was when I wrote the entry. I quickly called my gynea and she gave me an injection at the butt to strengthen the womb.
Oh ya, spotting and bleeding is a sign of threatened pregnancy. It could lead to miscarriage but some are just fine. So if you are experiencing this, quickly see your gynea. It could be nothing though but it is not normal.
Since I was only 4 weeks, gynea can't tell much from the scan result as we still can see the sac secured in the womb. Doc asked me to wait for another 3 weeks before we can see anything and rush to the nearest hospital if I bleed with jelly thing, as miscarriage might happen.
After that, I chilled down and just redha, if God want to give, He will give, if he doesn't he will take back right?

Thrice a day for another month *sigh*
Last Wednesday, we went for another ultrasound and my baby's heart is
flickering!!!! I was sooo stunned and excited! Alhamdulillah is all I can say. However, it's still tooo early. I am only 2 months and in 1st trimester. Anything still could happen. Doc still request me to take Duphaston till week 12. My next check-up will be end of this month and we'll see how ok? Hopefully baby stay strong and membesar bagai johan.
Oh ya, actually I'm quite reluctant to share this thing as I heard a lot saying wait till you confirmed first (when baby is stable) but I think it's better for me to write this so maybe there are moms-to-be having the same symptom and can make this as referal. Not all pregnancy is beautiful ok?
Ehhhhh..before I forget, to all bride and grooms to be, I might not going to all the weddings ok. I don't think my health position allow me to. As for now I need a lot of rest (bedrest to be exact but I don't want to) and take really-really good care of me and baby. No jalan jauh for me, no bumpy ride, no crowd or whatever. So, selamat pengantin baru to all my friends, especially Khairiah, Fiena, Henzman, Ain Alida, Atiem, etc. Sorry I won't go to your wedding (Oh ya, henzman maybe I'll go to yours as your wedding dekat je kan, but can't promise, tengok how I feel that time ok?)
So soorryyyy I can't make it. Hope you guys have a wonderful wedding and everything berjalan lancar. Thanks for inviting me, really appreaciate it.
Oklah, gotta go..have a good day darlings and happy making babies! :D