This is a collage of Zahra eating cherries, a few weeks ago. MrComot said she looks like a vampire with 'blood' all over her face hehehe. It looks more reddish and bloody on the naked eyes but the lighting is not so good, so it looks more blackie in this picture.
She loves the cherries so much but it's a bit tricky because it stains, A LOT. Not only on the cloth, but also on the floor, kitchen cabinet, fridge, etc. You know lah kids, they can't stay put and enjoy their food. All the want to do is eat and play at the same time. MrComot is a bit uneasy whenever I give her cherries because he has to wipe all the stain haha.
Anyway one thing I noticed, her stool will be very black whenever she pops a cherry. At first I thought she has allergy to something, but the stool back to normal color when she stopped eating cherries.
ReplyDeleteTu la, tengok lagi citer True Blood :P
Kami beli ceri kat MBG jer. Sebekas RM4. Depa belah 2 buah tu. Ceri yang lagi 2-3 hari nak busuk. Boleh lah... At least merasalah jugak ceri yg jenis mahal tu...
wah zahra makan ceri..aqil tak penah bagi pulak makan ceri..tp skrg ni dia asyik nk mkn sendiri je..
ReplyDeleteNow menyampah pulak TB tu, mcm excessive sgt haha, tapi lagu dia best hehe. Me beli cherry tu satu bekas je, yg 250g tu, Zahra mkn sebiji sehari haha. Cherry yg jenis mahal yg mana? yg lighter red?
Me bagi sebeba kebetulan ada, and dia mcm suka la pulak, sbb crunchy2 and sweet kan. Tapi susah sikit budak ni, kena bagi dengan biji, kalau me buang biji awal, dia jadi lembik so dia tak suka. So ada la time dia pandai tak makan biji tu, ada time yg dia tertelan biji tu haha
hehehehe...khusyuk betul die mkn....meh bagi mommy fara sket!
ReplyDeleteWAAA..zara naked ek?auntie takot la tengok..hehehehehhe...kusyuk betul makan.
ReplyDeleteMacam-macam jenis ceri ada dalam tu. Yang merah nak hitam, yang merah skit-skit... ada yang manis, ada yang okey la... tapi semua besaq-besaq...
ReplyDeleteme suke beli segala buah kat mbg!
ReplyDeleteMommy Fara,
ReplyDeleteNah am am Zahra suap, buka mulut cepat :D
Pakai pampers je hehe. Sebelum ni me bagi pakai baju abes kena basuh byk..lekat lak tu.
Tunggu musim lagi satu pulak hehe
Me jarang beli sbb sana mahal :P Tapi hari tu dia jual mango yg lemak tu, Falan Mango kalau tak salah, RM10 utk 3 kilo ok! Berbaloi2, sama harga kat pasar malam.
MBG bagos la sbb ada polisi buah rosak bleh tukar, no questions ask...