We went to tapau nasi lemak from this one Kelantanese shop (they have nasi kerabu with awesome daging bakar too!) at seksyen 6 KD around 10am (yeah, quite late for a breakfast hehe) and that's when the car decided to fail on us. The funny thing is, I never follow MrComot out when we just want to tapau food but today he insisted we go together so I can check out the favourite stall.
So here mommy and little one still in their pajama waiting for my FIL comes to rescue. We had to wait for about 20mins and Zahra was restless with sweaty forehead, it's almost noon so you can imagine how hot it can be.
The car is reaching its 8 years anniversary, so yeah it's kinda old. MrComot is out to the workshop, hope nothing major to repair of.
Posted from XpressMusic 5800 via Streamyx
ReplyDeleteCHUP! masa gambo ni diambik, Mummy ngan Zahra dah mandi ke belum?
ala siannya zahra tunggu panas ek..
ReplyDeleteheheheheh...kesian si kecik tu! nmpk betul muke stress die...
ReplyDeleteHahaha..jawapannya biar lah rahsia haha. Still pakai baju tidoq, dah tau kot jawapan dia :P
A'ah..dia dah rimas, rambut dah lekat2 kat kepala hehe
Mommy Fara,
Mmg stress, nak jalan2 tak boleh sebab tepi jalan kan, bahaya byk keter..so terpaksa tunggu mcm tu, tu yg dia restless tu
Wah seronoknya _____ lambat di hari Ahad!
ReplyDeleteLama tak buat camtu... tapi Eiman suka ____, so me pun kena ____ di hening subuh.
heyy...me pun pernah pegi stall tepi jalan ni. yg lepas corner dekat ngn Subaidah kan. wanted to try but masa me pegi tu ramai sgt org & tetiba nampak mamat yg bakar2 ayam/daging tu basuh tangan dlm baldi air kotor then senduk2 nasik. terus mati selera me..huhuhu.
ReplyDeleteHahah keji okehhhh buat tmpt kosong mcm tu :P
A'ah yup that one. Haha seriuss?? Masa me pegi ok..or maybe me tak nampak. Tapi tak consistent la nasi lemak dia, ada hari tu sedap gila..pastu biasa la pulak
Keji ke? hahahahah... misi tercapai :P