Ehemm...ni lah the second announcement!
Wahhhhhhhhhhhh surprised takk? (semua orang geleng kepala tsk tsk tsk)
The date will be 10/10/2008 for the akad nikah. Wedding ceremony will be later somewhere in November, we cant decide yet!
Since it's just in the corner, I *might* be getting too excited and starting to write lovey-dovey-stuff-you-wanna-puke or all messiness with the wedding preparation. Hope you darlings will bear with me, till it's over =D
On the other hand, the poor pic above drawn using CorelDraw4 and a mouse!! I don't have the drawing pad set :(.
Aha! Talking about that, can you give that (the PC drawing set) as my wedding gift? It's only RM170 or so. Pweeeeeeeeaseeeeeee :P
And it took me 2 days for that simple drawing! It is my first time using CorelDraw and with mouse in the hand, not really helping.
Btw, anyone familiar with CD, can you please enlighten me why it is so fard to fill/color the freehand object?
Naper tak minta drawing pad tu pada me awal-awal?
ReplyDeleteNeway, cute drawing tho :)
Can't wait for the wedding euphoria to fully surface ;)
hi aan!
u hv a new blog and i didnt know..
so, u r gettin married soon huh? ;)
selamat bakal menjadi pengantin!!!
ReplyDeletehehehee...me syuuuke sgt dgr bab org2 nak tawen ni..
ReplyDeletengee~ syuuuke sgt dgn drawing tuu..tomeeii ;)
see...me dah kate, page ni bau bunga rampaii..hehehe
Congratulations lagi sekals!! Hehehe. Hey, cute drawings! You should draw more! Me want more drawing pweeeaasee!!
ReplyDeleteheyyy..sbb ni ke nk tau pasal CD dat day? mati2 me ingat u kena lukis system plan ke apa boleh tak :P
ReplyDeleteanyways. me so happy for both u lalinks. tu la, awal2 dulu tanak, nak pass2 mrcomot kat org lain kan kan kannn. u guys will be a very happy mental couple forever! :D *tabur2 bunga rampai..or shud me tabur choc chip instead :D*
tomei nye!!!..
ReplyDeletetahniah aan...
aan ni mmg la..suka suka hati dia..main redah je..heh
Shani, can I get it as the wedding present? As in 'dapat terus'? :P
ReplyDeleteHi Aleeya! Yup, finally ahahahaha. Come to my wedding tau!
Siluman, aku tunggu kau pulak ni. Cepatttt :P
Khairiah, your hidung selalu tajam lebih2 tauuuuuu hehe
Bella, tiba2 aku rasa mcm budak2 dalam pertandingan melukis okkk. I'm waiting for your drawing too! Jom kita buat project mengeluarkan bakat terpendam (yg tak berbakat sebenarnya :P)
Bee, it's more helping u tabur2 duit okk haha. Btw seriously it's so hard la the CD. And look who's talking la makcik, u pun mental okk :p
Tentiu Cool. Hehehe..bab2 ni jadi la pulak main redah kan. Kalau bab2 lain ketinggalan ketapi :((
Err...errr...err...kalau me bagi u the drawing pad, mr.comot nak dapat aper?
ReplyDeleteShani, MrComot sila menumpang tengok saja okkk. Beta izinkan hahaha
ReplyDeleteBee- yeah, teringat masa dia nak padankan Mr Comot dgn sape tah.. hahahha. Aku happy u both ended up together :D
ReplyDeleteHahaha..it was eonnsss ago. This is what we call fate. Ewahhh.. :P Thanks darling btw. Hoping to hear 'the announcement' frm you soon =D