This is my 3rd year celebrating Chinese New Year and Zahra's first! My
first CNY was when I just got married (and still got angpow! hehe). Anyway I didn't really celebrate it on the 2nd year because I was in confinement and coincidentally they didn't have the lion dance show last year and make it up this year. I was super excited because it will be
first experience for Zahra!
I wanted to buy Zahra a cheongsam but my MIL faster than me, got her one in bright red, it's a 2-piece wear actually, I don't know if it's called chengsom too, I think so (
edited: It's called samfoo. Thanks Azleena!). Anyway it fits her well and
super duper cute!
We reached there around 2.45PM and the lion dance started at 3.30PM, just nice for Zahra to warming up herself. This is her first time in my MIL's family side and as usual, I wasn't in my chatty mode because of communication problem hehehe - they (the older generation) know very little Malay and no English but I've met them quite few times already so the awkwardness is not there anymore.

One of the cousin. This little girl is 1y5m and can walk steadily already. She has
matching shoes with her cheongsam, soooo cute!! I didn't know they got such thing! If I know, confirm I belikan for Zahra haha.

Zahra with 4-seasons angpow. Not all for her. Actually, I am getting excited over the nice angpow packets and busy snapping the pic, so one of the aunties went to the room and take out all the design specifically for my camera. Told you they are very nice! Hehe. And look at what she's holding. That's her first boxed drink! Haha.. I am not rigid towards her diet anymore, only that I still cook for her main meals. I practically just give anything in between for snacks including fried crabstick.

Her first time and doesn't want to let it go! Originally I wanted to give her few sips only but the moment she got it, she refused to let me take the drink from her. She grabbed it tightly and
shrieked at me everytime I pull it from her ok! Ewaahhhh..dah pandai demand ya! Dah la cold, takut tak elok banyak2.. so I had to let her sips, then pujuk her to let it go, then sips again, until when she's a bit unaware, I quickly grab it and hide it behind the chair. Boleh tahan budak ni minum, almost half of the box.

The crowd started to pouring in. Families only and most of them I don't remember the face anymore. Some I only met in our wedding and some never met LOL. I only know them by places, ok this is PJ gang, this is Rawang gang, this is etc etc. Even so, I don't think I can't recognize them if stumbled on the road. I only knew the newer generation, especially the ones that studying in university/college because that's the only I talked to :D

Lion dance troop getting ready

Zahra touching the lion's head

The dance starts

U purposely bring her as near as we can to the lion. The music was so loud at this time and she shows no sign of fear at all.

The lion praying or paying respect at the alter.

They eat the oranges outside this year because it was packed in the house.

Look how close she is! And never let even one cry. All she does is staring at the lion. I think she is too small to be scared of such thing pun. Or maybe she doesn't even care hehehe.

Lions eating the oranges.

I can't resist not to post this pic. MrComot took this pic and said
"Tengok siapa lagi excited ni?" Hahaha! I was actually trying to cheer the lion for tottila! At one time she seems not even interested with it ok. Ish ish ish..

See see.. doesn't scared at all.. Siap macam welcoming the lion lagi
When the lion dance over, it's about 4PM already which means Zahra still doesn't get her nap time. One thing about her, she can't sleep if we are doing outdoor activities, she can't even sleep when I bring her to malls (she refused to sleep in the stroller) and will only sleep in the car. Kuat betul dia tahan mengantuk hmmm...

Playing time. The kids bring out a box of toys and she happily join in, despite of her sleepiness

Playing with her cousins
Takde ciri-ciri mengantuk langsung. She just join the crowd and no merengek-rengek at all even though I didn't give her any lunch! Oh I remember. Kesiannya totti. I just BF her in the car but maybe she's full enough (edited: I did give her lunch! I asked MrComot, he said I bagi lah..but early lunch around 12PM. Ahh lega haha. And OMG I am so forgetful these days..hmm..). Anyway, masuk-masuk kereta je terus pengsan hehe..

Last but not least, her full picture in her attire with the hairclip. I forgot to snap the close up of the hairclip! Just a simple one anyway, grosgrain ribbon with flower-shape button. I will take the pic later ;)
Gong Xi Fa Cai! :D
ReplyDeleteI 'HEART' gambar Zahra tengah pegang air kotak! :D
chumelnya diaaa... u look cute too ngan skirt tu...i like :*
ReplyDeleteps: it's samfoo, bkn cheongsam :P
rindunya cny...xdpt merasa oren :(
kiut la Zahra..
ReplyDeleteI pon ingt nk beli samfu utk xtau nk dress up for what occasion..haha
bagusnya family u aan..ini boleh jadi contoh to all we with harmony along with other races.
ReplyDeletePatutla zara kiut miut rupanya ada darah keturunan cina rupanya...
ni how ma zara ?muah.
Zahra yang comel...klu ada kesempatan, nak aje cubit ngan gigit pipi debab die tu! comel!
ReplyDeleteZahra memang comei comei...
ReplyDeleteMy mom told me when I first saw lion dance, I cried for more (gila gigih nak tgk singa menari) hahahaa...
ReplyDeleteKANNNN! :P
Thanks! Ala..kat sana boleh makan buah lain hehehe. Next year boleh mkn byk2 :D
Tu la..I pun geram tau baju baby2 ikut perayaan ni. Hehe
Mommy dia kiut jugak kannn haha nak jugak
Mommy Fara,
Zahra cakap tenkiu mwahhh :*
Itu drama queen ok, cried for more! Haha. How old were you that time?