I was doing house chore when I realized that the house is pretty quiet and Zahra Elena is nowhere to be seen.
This is something weird. It's either she's behaving well, playing with her toys which is IMPOSSIBLE or found something new to play with (read: dangerous stuff like coins, ants, etc) so I quickly lookout for her and here she is, fondling with my craft treasure where she found it under the cupboard! Haha.
The two boxes stuffed with ribbons and scissors and she happily rummaging and emptying the box.
Kids at this age, silence means peace only when they are sleeping hehe..
Posted from XpressMusic 5800 via Streamyx
salam kenal..betul2..budak2 umur gini diam2 ubi berisi..ade je kan akal diorg..lps tu tertoleh2 takut kantoi..comel je..:p
ReplyDeletebetul aan. me mmg curious setiap kali alia senyap. mesti ada sesuatu yg dia jumpa. mcm hari tu dia senyap je then bila tengok rupanya tengah main dgn coins. bahaya sungguh!.
ReplyDeleteBebudak ni, kalau diam adalah projek tu... cecepat la pi tengok. hehehhehehe...
Zahra dah rajin mengemas ye sekarang? hihihi
ReplyDeleteSalam kenal. Hehe yup, senyap2 tu bukannya dia rehat ke apa, ada je aktiviti rahsia dia
Ibu Kaiys,
A'ah derang ni kan, suka betul ngan coins. Bahaya sungguh, takut tertelan. Kalau they dpt the coin, jenuh nak berebut mintak balik hehe
Memang! Bertambah kemas rumah kami yg sedia kemas ni. Fevret dia stack baju yg baru lipat ngan almari tupperware haha
tatau nak kate...zahra mmg comel! oh, ye...aydin saya pun mcm tu, plus...suke ajak mommy ngan papa wrestling! heheheh...