I have nothing much to write about as I'm bad in writing about others, especially one that close to me (merepek about diri sendiri pandai la), but I'm glad that all my BFF are going to settle down. Looking back, I still miss our uni time (especially the slurpy nights! walking to 7E in baju kurung in the middle of the night! haha) but that's how life play us. We'll move to different phases and have our own life.
Oh ya, all of us have different characters that I always wonder how we can stay together for so long. One is soft and undecided, one is very proper and has a clear road-map of her life, one that look strong and tough but actually manja and fragile and one mengada-ngada (that will be me :P).
Hahaha..semua character mengutuk ok, so girls cepat pick which one fits u well? No matter what it is, love you all to bits ok :D
According to then plan, all of them will settle down for real next year, insyaAllah and I can't wait to go to their weddings. Please make sure tak clash tarikh ok.
Oh myy...I wonder if our relationship will change after the family-thingy. Hopefully not. Maybe we can make family dinner sometimes? Remember that ok? :D
PS: The food was fantabulous especially the sayur kacang. Say thanks to your mom!!
Kek Icing tu sedap tak?
ReplyDeletei pun ada jgk BFF zman uni..
ReplyDeleteskrg,tiap2 hari2 main reply2 email.
x gune pun fb ke..ym ke..psl rase x privacy.
nk jumpa susah..bile2 msg2 dh ada own life..lgpun,sorang kt pahang..sorang kt johor..
I hope we can always find time for our girls day out later :)
ReplyDeletehusband maria pn suka pejam mata bila amik gamba..so gamba kahwin pn byk yg die pejam..saabar jelah..hahah..
ReplyDeleteCik Kopi,
ReplyDeleteMe tak sure la sebab tak sempat rasa :(
Haa..sama la ngan me. kalau BFF time u ni somehow tak reti fb ke frenster ke, kitaorg pun email2 hehehe. Tu la..wpun jarang jumpa, kat hati tetap dekat kan ;)
Me too!! Tiba2 me imagine kita pegi spa sama2 with our babies in the stroller, boleh? Hahaha
Kannn maria. Tak faham betul. Kita ni punya la bukak mata and sengih, dia sempat lagi nak kelip2 :P
Spa bawa baby? Kena bawa hubby sekali la utk tgkkan baby ye? hehehe...
ReplyDelete*fluttering eye lashes*
err aan, tumpang tanya..shani punya wedding ble ye? sbb kite nk plan cuti2 malaysia ke penang pulak... mueheheh - huda comot
ReplyDeleteItu kena tanya Shani la sebab me pun tak tahu! Hehehe, dia cakap je next year (insyAllah) but tak mention the date
ReplyDeleteMotip tanya kat sini ha? :p
ReplyDeletemuehehehe saje suka suki...huda comot
ha ah.. bila ye kenduri... byk jugak kawan2 nak sewttel down nexyer...
ReplyDeletebtw.. congraats to rena :D kiut dan ayu gituw... ahaks