Finally, I get to update after a very long day.
This if my first time naik flight for long haul. So I might be writing down small things or craps (due to my jakunness) but whatever, I want to jot down everything that I can so one day I might read this again and laugh at myself hehehehe.
25th March 2009
Our flight was at 11.25PM but we start our journey around 5.00PM because we don't want to be in rush and want to survey the duty free shops. We took ERL from KL Sentral around 5.45PM and arrived at the airport around 6.20PM. We checked in our luggage from KL Sentral by the way.
KLIA wasn't very busy when we arrived. Only few fellas waiting for their flight and most of them is going for Umrah I guess (judging from the way the dress up and the family sending them :)). We wandering the array of shops and the price is more or less, kid you not! Only cheaper by few ringgits for the stuff I'm looking for. But since it was quite late, most of the shops closed already. I went to Tie Rack shop and were told by the SA that most of the TR finished like in a few hours after stocked up and most of the time grabbed by Bruneians! They borong like berkodi-kodi. It's not like I'm wearing TR or whatever but in duty free level, they sell it RM10 cheaper (around RM48 each) than the TR shop upstairs (still inside the KLIA). So, if you like TR so much, grab it as many as you can because you can't get it any cheaper!
By 10.30PM, both of us already restless hahaha. Nothing to do and nothing to shop. So we just sit somewhere in the lounge, near to our gate. There are a few spots got free internet but most of the time is occupied. I had a chance to use the internet but can't update my blog as somebody already waiting for his turn! So I just checked some mails and back to my seat watching muted football at some screen :P
Around 11PM, we checked ourselves in and guess what, we got middle seat!! We are exactly on the wing! Haha I know it doesn't make any difference but I still can remember I get excited seeing our place that time.
The plane is quite big (boeng 7 something, aaaa I forgot the series, I'll ask MrComot tomorrow and update this) and I am so jakun with all the thing they have. Mind you, last time I flew was masa tadika kut? And ntah-ntah the plane semua dah tak ada hehe. So seriously jakun tgk all the gadget inside, although it's nothing much :P

I was famished (as I only had asam laksa for dinner) and the crew gave me some salted peanuts with guava juice. Actually you can ask for anything (jangan melampau-lampau lah :P) like Coke, fruit juices etc. I also noticed some of the passengers having beer.

Then we slept and ting tong, it's morning already! Japan's time is only one hour different (they are later).
1) mushroom ommelette with sausage
2) salmon + rice + mixed vege
3) nasi lemak + sambal udang + rendang ayam
I'm a big fan of mushroom and sausage that I was so tempted to get number 1 but thinking that we are not going to eat nasi lemak for 2 weeks, I picked the last choice and it turned out very delicious!!! The pic is very bad and don't do any justice.
Below is few pictures that I snapped when the sun starting to shower the horizon. Pretty isn't it?

We arrived Kansai airport around 7:40AM (local time, Malaysia time is 6.40AM) and it's very bright already like 10AM in the morning! The temperature was announced at 6 celcius!!! It's very far from the forecast before, stating will be at 15 celcius. Once we stepped out from the plane, it's breeeezy cold and I had to wrap up myself quickly with the coat.
In the airport, we were being photographed and body temp checked to make sure we are not having any high fever. After took our luggage and stop at the lobby for a while, we were approached by airport police (not in uniform), asking for our passport and few questions like where we came from and why we are here. He even jot down our passport number and our name in his notebook. At first, I thought he is a crook that trying to snatch our passport! I siap berdiri next to him ready to run after him if he runs with the passport, even though he insisted me to seat. Very suspiscious! Later to my knowing, that's only a 'normal procedure' especially when they see Muslims (WHY THEY ALWAYS THINK MUSLIM IS TERRORIST? Ok no debate here, I don't want to spoil this entry). The guy-so-called-police didn't approach anybody except us! Haha I pulak observe dia sbb tak puas hati, still thinking he is a crook that time.
After that we start our journey by buying JR ticket to Tennoji!
Oh ya about the currency. 100 yen is about RM3.8 (exhange rate I got that time, now already down to 3.6). So somehow I got juta-juta yen jugak lah (suddenly feel kaya) but almost everything is Japan starts from 100 yen (so pose-pose miskin balik okeh).
I'll continue the journey Day 1 in next entry :D
seriously, i x nah naik flight lagi...heheheheh. lagi jakun.
ReplyDeleteMe tak sabar nak baca next entry (and so forth)
ReplyDeletei want more ! more ! more !
ReplyDeletecepat la update tak sabar nak inzal tgh sakura nih
ala, bila nak cont ni.. takleh stop la..hehe.. as excited as u r ...
ReplyDeleteuih! gi jepang tuh! agak2 kalo simpan 2 inggit sehari agaknya bila leh gi situ ek?
ReplyDeletep/s jumpe doraemon tak?
cepat update!!!
ReplyDeleteanyway, so kelaka ok ada idea standing next to the "inspector" guy so that boleh kejar dia. it's so u la lalink :P
WE WANT MORE! hehehe..*demand abes*
ReplyDeleteowh dear, sgt tak sabar nak tunggu ur next update. my bf pun big fan of japan, time die sailing harituh die ade gak jalan2 kat yokohama,tokyo,osaka & small villages near the port. die sukeeeee sgt japan!
tapi since die x blogging, saye di sini setia menanti ur ceriter..hehe.. *double demand*
ReplyDeleteJom jom naik. Everybody can fly skrg ni :D
Hehe..u tlg me update can? Uwaaa me dun have time
motip uols inzal dgn sakura? Sakura bukan nama pornstar okeh *opps*
Maria, pun excited. Trying to update as fast as I can :D
Doraemon tak jumpa, seriously. Jumpa hello kitty je hehe
the inspector seriously suspiscious ok. Haha me kan mmg ala-ala gabra tak cover :P
Hehe..yup japan sgt best, but I still prefer Msia sbb tak tahan sejuk (kulit koman sgt :P)
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
ReplyDeletesaya pun tak puas hati kat polis airport jepun.. dia cakap "random check" tapi saya rasa dia memang aim kat muslim je.. 4 kali pi jepun (work related), 4 kali saya kena "random check".. memang dasar prejudis..