Well, nak hantar Emir to the babysitter pun dah ok now, he seems so big and tough. And he's fine with bottle feed, so settle satu masalah. But ada masalah2 lain pulak, like I haven't urut with k.Ain (for the last time before masuk kerja), Emir takde baju!!!!, Emir tak sunat lagi, etc etc.. sigh
We plan to sunat Emir mmg since baby, but dekat Tropicana takde dr laki muslim, so balik rumah ting tong ting tong tangguh until now. So now or never! Haha takde la never..now or tunggu nanti dah besar. I prefer now sebab I dont want to deal with drama nak menanges apa ke menda nanti besar nanti. And it's easily healed pun kalau time baby. So Emir baru 2 bulan, ok la..dia tak meniarap lagi, still can do.
And now kelam kabut call this hosp that hosp to check the availability. My gynea recommend Pantai (Dr Zain) and his charge is RM850!!! I never know it can be that expensive. Then I asked around, call again, at clinic around 250-300 je. So decided to do at clinic je, with dr Hamid Arshad. Dr Zain tu general surgeon, that's why mahal kut.
So settle satu hal, then urut nanti la..and beli baju..nanti la. Emir ada 4 helai sleepsuit je, and baju siang pakai je apa yg ada mismatch naju Zahra. Most of them dah tak muat, panjang jugak budak ni. So have to buy for babysitter. Skrg ni ok lagi as I can wash during the weekdays.
Oh ya, I use my annual leave balance for another week. So maybe hantar Emir to babysitter middle of Dec. Hopefully by then all settled. Anyway babysitter pun satu hal. She has to take care 7 kids now. Banyak kan.. MrComot cakap nak buat trial 2 months tengok Emir ok ke tak..sebab ada another baby there. And then lagi 2 bulan ada another baby. And next 2 bulan another baby!!!! Kebetulan semua yg hantar kat situ mengandung. So nanti ada 11 budak include 4 babies!! I dengar pun macam nak pitam. Tengoklah mcm mana. Kalau tak ok or kitaorg mcm tak sedap hati sgt, kena find solution lain :(