Thank God, I survived yesterday!
And today a bit free because my MIL is around, so she came here to pick up Zahra around 11am for lunch and will send her back for nap later. Zahra ni memang can't nap without me..
Anyway a little details about yesterday, MrComot readied my lunch and totti's soup in the morning, nasib baik! Kalau tak, memang I tak makan la the whole day. I mean, proper food hehe. All in all, it's a very exhausted day. But all taken care as in, three of us well fed, mandi (sekali je..jadi lahhhhhhh..normally Zahra mandi 2x, tapi I dah flat huhuhu) and no drama crying or whatsoever. Only that Zahra woke up from her nap at 3pm! Normally around 5pm baru bangun, so terpaksa la mommy melayan.
At a point I feel like SUPERMOMMY! Perasan sangat because I'm not kan. Of course la perasan because on the evening, my right hand is suap Zahra makan petang, and on the left tengah pangku Emir menyusu. Rasa nak menangis pun ada haha.
All and all, I managed during the day, but not at the night! MrComot came back and I was bf-ing Emir that time, and said
'U look thinner than yesterday..hmm kalau macam ni sampai next week, me nak bagi Emir formula lah'
I knowwwwwwwww...I look haggard. And rumah macam tongkang pecah. I was so tired and at a point is considering giving Emir formula ok! So bad of me! Zahra 1st experience I manage to BF for more than a year, and with Emir is like 1 month? Even though it's only a thought. I feel so bad. But I understand MrComot as well, he's so worried about me *sigh*
Btw, we were thinking of hiring a maid. It's more like MrComot I don't favor the idea. I don't like having stranger in the house but ntah la..I kesian my hubby too. He has to do most of the work and I think tired la.. dah la penat jam from KL like more than an hour everyday, pastu balik rumah pun nak buat kerja (him and work, tak habis2, but that's his work, I can't complaint) and Zahra pulak sibuk nak play. Zahra sleeps at 12 midnight, every single day. I really don't understand her. Why tak boleh tidur awal like other kids :(
We tried everything, cut her nap, tuck her in earlier, but failed. Nanti lah I fikir macam mana...hmmmm..
I hope this only a phase where we can ride on it til the end. Ya Allah...kurniakanlah kesabaran yg tinggi for us.. I really don't like the maid idea.
maybe during confinement nie u suffer sikit. after that should be manageable. or maybe u can call part time maid which come to ur house do all clean part and so on ++ cook for u at least. so that maid will come daily without staying together with u.
ReplyDelete*my baby 'Auf (3m) also sleep at 12 mid night. never early than that..
ReplyDeleteEiman pun suka tidur lambat. Azwan ambik jalan senang dgn biar dia tido depam TV dan on BoboiBoy (yeah, Eiman minat BoboiBoy sekarang, thanks to you! :D). Set TV auto off after 1 hour.
Now, kami pastikan dia makan kenyang-kenyang, pukul 9.30 bentang tilam dan bagi susu, 10 tutup lampu. By 10.30 usually dia akan lena. Kalau tak lena, BoboiBoy lagi...
tapi tu kami la, yg suka ambik jalan mudah :P
bravo mommy andes!!
ReplyDeletekesian u aan..i pun tak berapa suka the maid idea.banyak masalah dari kebaikannya.Bukan risau pasal mengorat laki ke ape..cume masalah dia lari, torture your kid.I dunno..tak semua orang lucky dapat maid yang baik kan?
ReplyDeletehal rumah tu, u buatlah yang termampu.Its not that orang nak melawat hari-harikan..
Hal zara plak , ini maybe phase yang dia lalui..suka main.Kalu tak main ,senyap jer kita risau plak.Setiap children son azryl,senang tido tapi tula lambat plak bercakap.Dah nak dua tahun masih baby talk lagi..
Sesikit jer patah perkataan yang boleh dengar.He cannot call me mummy pun lagi.hmmm...
I know u tough aan, Untuk boost ur energy apa kata u try Honey or pati ikan helps me alot dulu. :)
take care ok mommy.
kalau dapat daily maid like me ok kot Aan..kita balik umah, dia pun no need la ngadap muka dia kan ..but still tired jugak nak melayan memalam..tapi one thing good, kalau takder maid..suka tak suka, waktu malam u tetap kena layan kids tak la renggangkan relationship..taklah anak2 sayang bibik more than their mum nanti, dah la whole day kan ngadapa least waktu siang, maid can uruskan rumah u..u akan balik senang hati not to think about umah berselerak ke apa..just need to focus pada anak2..u'll get quality time laaa...BUT..if only u manage to get good one laa..that u really can trust to handle the kids jauh dr mata u...maybe can ask ur MIL to monitor at least for a month ker...dapat maid yang duk hari2 ngan kita ni, memang leh menyakitkan mata n hati, lelama kita nyampah kat dia, dia lagiii nyampah kat kita, dah dia lepas kat anak2..but sama jer pun daily pun ..itu atas nasib laaa jugak Aan...apapun ..semoga dimudahkan segalanya utk u...hehehe
ReplyDeleteAin nazri, i think so too..i hope so... During confinement je teruk sikit. I ada panggil cleaner, but that one hour based. Kalau hari biasa, we sent zahra to babysitter, cuma waktu tak sent jadi mcm ni la. Bukan tanak jaga, mmg me x cukup tangan..feel so bad :(
ReplyDeleteTatty, me pun amik jalan mudah...letak ipad, tutup lampu buka youtube. Tapi tak jalannnn. Kejap2 bgn nak juice la, nak play la, nak duduk atas riba la. Jalan mudah utk zahra adalah bagi dia melekap. Tapi skrg emir macm tu la. Derang ni pun satu, mcm sengaja lawan each other, bangun n tido serentak. Harap2 kejap je..
ReplyDeleteLin, tu la..bukan takut ngorat laki..tu jatuh no2, masalahnya me malas nak fikir karenah maid lagi. Cukp2 la pening hal rumah tangga sendiri.
ReplyDeleteYeah, i think it a phase too they nak main je, nak perhatian kan. We should be grateful right, rather than senyap tak aktif, risau pulak. Me cuba kumpul kekuatan to face this.
Nnti i try the pati ikan, read in nurulism, she's taking pati ikan too. Me makan obimin semua tak cukup. Thanks!
Oh ya, zahra pun still babytalk. Banyak satu2 word je, takleh combine perkataan lagi :) i wish i can find daily maid mcm urs. At least makan pakai dah ready. Yup, kalau xde maid, penat2 mcm mana pun we have to layan the kids, i'm ok with it sbb nature balik rumah mmg terus focus udak2 je, tapi jadi stress bila they kacau elias, and elias stress sbb dia kena siapkan keja lain. Dia balik rumah pun buka laptop lagi. Bengang jugak, but mana boleh complaint kan, keja dia x sama ngan kita :(
ReplyDeleteMy MIL mcm suka la kitaorg amik maid, she can monitor, but i still dont like the idea. Unless malam2 the maid pegi tido rumah MIL, i okkk terus hehehe.
Thanks rena! Cepat mexican wave for me ;p