Through this week, I just found out that MANY unexpected people eventually, read my blog.
Somehow, it's a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable to me. So, right now I am considering a lot of options, and closing my blog is one of them ;(
It's still undecided. A lot of thing has to be considered, especially my interest in writing this blog.
So now, I am contemplating with this options:
1) Totally shut down - I won't write anymore and this will be very sad
2) Change my domain - I like aandes, this is me, and somehow, even if I changed, ppl will still find out sooner or later
3) Privatize my blog - I don't see the point of writing if I private kan my blog but this will be the best option for now. But, it won't be no fun anymore. I mean, I have to consider a lot of things while writing, especially on how to convey my emotion and it is a challenge to me. If I make it private, all the challenge and thrill will washed away.
4) Privatize certain entries - same as above. What's the point of blogging?
Anyway, I'm sorry if I ever hurt anybody with my words/entries/etc etc. I might be rude to you and I am sorry again for that, as I can be very naive and inconsiderate sometimes.
Life is a never ending learning process.
If you have something that bothering you, please let me know instead of keeping it close to your heart ok?
Human perspectives vary and what I write in blog, is the way I see the world.
ReplyDeleteala... jgnla amik any of these options. im lovin it gitu readin ur blog... promise i will just read n nothg but read, so help me blog! tp again, dis is urs, n im a nobody. who am i to say dis or dat (tp klu boleh jgnla x bg saya baca ek) tqvm =)
ReplyDeleteaan, is it bcos i linked ur blog from mine?? or via my post on ur reception?
ReplyDeleteim sorry.. :(
follow ur heart.if u feel u hv to shut down,just do it.this is ur blog then nk kenal aan?tak suka ke?jgnla tutup..plss...
ReplyDeleteAan dear... rileks la. me pun selalu dpt komen yg bisa meronyokkan hati. sakit jiwa bila baca. ada jer yg main kutuk-kutuk mcm la me tak bayar zakat.
ReplyDeleteso what i did was padam komen tu, tukar entry me yg kot menyakit hati depa (if perlu) then teruskan hidup...
susah nak hepikan org.
me dah warning awal-awal kat sesapa yg masuk blog me, blog ni akan jd tempat me MERIAKKAN diri. tak suka bleh 'serambus'.
so chill up! head up! ignore jer yg tak best tu...
ReplyDeleteadekah me puncanya? *cry*
jangan laa..nanti me takde sumber inspirasi..takde sumber bergelak gumbira tika hati duka lara..takde bacaan mengisi masa lapang..plsss...
hmmm..pedulikanlah org2 yg tak best tu. persetankan mereka. me dah pernah rasa in one of my previous entry, me ada ckp hal ni. tapi biarlah..kalau diorang rasa tak boleh BLAH dengan ur blog,jangan la masuk. pendek kata, u teruskan je dengan ur style sbb ni mmg u. diorang2 tu saket ati apsal??
dah2..teruskan je kat sini. blogging..dan terus memblog. ni umah u, sukati u la nk wat ape. tetamu tu yg patutnye pandai bawa diri kat umah org. lalalalala...
isk, why all d sudden? :(
ReplyDeletetetibe rasa cam guilty cause somehow i indirectly promoted ur blog in my entries.
didn't mean any harm tho :(
but whatever it is, it's up to u to take the calls.
jangan lupe invite along if u were to private yeh?
take care dear!
Kak Aan,
ReplyDeleteI pun sesekali baca blog ni tau. Supaya kamu tahu la. HeHe.
Zul, tak jadi..ah drama drama
ReplyDeleteAin, thanks for the kind words hehe. Will keep on writing crap ni :P Btw drop me a link if u have any blog ;)
Aleeya, no no not because of you or anybody. Thanks for the entry though :D Jgn sedih2..mwahhhhhh
Somebody, my heart says, do what u love to do, and here I am, crapping ;)
ReplyDeleteMaria, let's continue get to know each other hehe. Mana ada tak suka, dun worry ok *hugs*
Tatty, me ok lagi kalau komen2 tu mmg me tak layan, but me tak suka sbb ada org yg me tanak dia baca, tapi me tau dia baca hehehe. But whatever la kan, nak baca, baca je la. Tanak sila klik X. And yup, susah nak hepikan org ;) So semua org, layannn je laa blog ni eh hehe
Hahaha lalink, u mmg partner in crime la bab2 emo ni :P Jgn cry ok ---> boleh caya ke u cry ni haha. A BIG mwahhh from me :D
ReplyDeleteAlong, worry not, it's not because of u (even tho kalau org tu klik frm Alongs' pun hahaha) Don't feel guilty ok. Jom sama2 keep on writing :P
Adik siber, terima kasih! Akak pun masuk sesekali ke blog kamu. Artistic not everyday la hehe
me kdg2 pun rasa mcm tak best je nak open kpd readers2 yg me tak kenal..
ReplyDeletetp ntah, mcm semua org je ada blog.. n nak tak nak derang leh baca mine, i leh baca theirs..hmm
dont do that..
ReplyDeleteia akan buatkan org2 yang annoying td rasa best..kerana berjaya menutup mood bloggers utk berblog..
keep on writing dear ;)