Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hard to say I'm sorry

Last night was a disaster, and the worst ever. Since we already promised to have dinner together, so we stick to it even though time both of us dah merajuk to the max.

On the way to Bangsar, I tried to discuss with him why I merajuk and etc. Instead of we making peace, tambah gaduh ada lah. I know la most of them were my mistake. He told me that the reason why he didn't correct me was because he understood what I meant (wiggling and not wailing) so nothing to correct then. But then both of us were in anger (I guess) and blurt a lot of things that I supposed shouldn't be.

I was hoping he pujuk2 me, but no one want to beralah. The final hurt was when he said,

'If you think compromise is not in the relationship, then go!'

I was like, what? I know lah he didn't really mean it, but I was TOOOO ego to pujuk him back. So apa lagi, I just remained silence and the tears already flowing down like the river.

And he is giving back what I gave him - silence.

So both of us had dinner with no conversation. Not even one word uttered. Ohh..except, 'what do you want to eat?' and 'Are you okay?' when I suddenly burp (he's worrying about the gas).

And we weren't talking even on the way back and before we sleep ;(

Is it that hard to say that you are sorry?

I know, I know that I need to apologize as well. But I want him to make the first move.



While I'm writing this entry, he suddenly YM me. Baru nak YM. And talk like nothing happen.


Tak boleh ke pujuk?
Susah sangat ke nak pujuk?
I don't want to forget what happened last night.
I want to settle it, and not by acting like nothing happened.

Am I too demanding?


  1. aan dear..
    jgn la emo sgt.. gaduh2 tu biasa la..

  2. Betol tu Kak Rena,

    Aan Sayang,
    Jangan lah macam ni? Mana dia Andes yg rational and understanding. U know u're cute tht way, kan? ^_^

  3. Rena,
    Emo nye me time tu.. Bila baca balik mcm nonsense je me ni, haiippphhhh

    Ni upacara nak suh me cepat2 cool down eh. So tricky tau :P
