Anyway they have about 50 over rabbits, but the day we went, only about 20++ were outside. The others will be released when they are ready. Rabbits are very fragile, they can't be exposed to extreme change like new environment, or new has to be slowly adapted. Else they can die in a blink just like that. No sick indicator or whatever.
We reached quite late, around 6.30PM because there was a heavy traffic on Sg Besi (but affected on the opposite highway as well) because the Kelantan-Terengganu football match. The Sg Besi punya jam is almost 10km ok..siap ada tv3 helicopter roaming around maybe to report on the jam. Most of the car parked on the highway, and there were police traffic tengah saman, DBKL, etc..such a chaotic situation.
Ok back to the rabbit park.
Since it's just a first step (they want to let the rabbits jumping around) it's not properly done yet. There is no green grass yet, the rabbits happily running on the sand. It'll be upgraded little by little soon.
This is the first time Zahra Elena meet rabbits and her first reaction is.."tuuu tuuu tuuu aaa ddaaaa diii duuu aaa" bising giler mulut dia haha. I seriously don't understand what she's trying to tell with her pointing finger, but the moment the rabbit came near, she cries okk!! Such a drama queen. Nampak berani but takut sebenarnya. But after half an hour looking and pointing from distance, she braced herself and play with the rabbits.
First time she let the rabbit came near and didn't cry
Slowly warm up and give the rabbit sliced carrots
Dah OK sikit, siap squatting and pat him. We can even leave her alone with the rabbit. This one nama dia Maharaja2 kalau tak salah. The rabbits have their own name, but I can only remember/differentiate 3 only - Wan (the one with one ear, born like that), Maharaja2 (the one that is so fluffy with jambul at the head) and Poly (the one less fluffier than Maharaja and bvery cheeky, will hop and manja with you but the moment you want to stroke him, he will hop away).
Then my friend showed me the other rabbits in the warehouse..she keep them there to train them to adapt the outside environment. And oh mann.. banyak ok rabbit dalam tu and soooooo cute! It varies in breed and shapes. Ada satu tu soo fluffy that the fur itself dah take the whole cage and they had to snip out the fur, cannnn? Geramnyaaaaa...
I forgot to tag the GPS coordinate but it's somewhere near to UKM. From traffic light in front of UKM, take the left turn, then straight until you find Shell on you right, turn right after the Shell (it's a small road) then about 200m, it's on your left. Tempat tu nama Sg Tangkas.
All the rabbits were injected with their antibiotic and stuff, so it should be safe for your kids, unless the child has an allergy to fur. Overall it's an enjoyable experience for Zahra, she get to pat the rabbits, feed them carrots (it was fun! so cute) and chase them. You can even carry them! The only drawback is, Bangi is quite far to's about an hour from my place! Oh ya, the entrance fee is RM3 per entry if you are interested :D
aiii baru tahu pasal benda ni...thanks for time kalo nk datang lagi bangi bagitau..boleh kita lepak2
ReplyDeletewah! zahra suke rabbit! mcm menarik je nie....
ReplyDeletesaya dalam dilema
ReplyDeletetak tahu nak pilih
siapa lagi comel
between zahra and the bunnies