Friday, October 17, 2008

Toothy Teethy

Among the first thing we bought once we live together is, toothbrush holder!!!

Beras pun belum beli ok, sibuk beli menda lain hahaha.

Anyway, we were so excited to get this toothbrush holder and spent hoursss (sampai I bad mood ok) to find the right one.

Honestly, it's not that right as I've seen one in bright orange rubber ducky and want it soooo baaaddd but unfortunately I couldn't remember where I saw that ;(

We went to Parkson, Jusco, Living Quarters, Metrojaya, etc etc and still failed to find the ducky, so we settled for this one, from Living Quarters. Anyway, Jusco pun got the very same, penat je cari sana-sini tsk tsk.

So introducing to the world, Tiger and Girrafe!!! (no name for them yet, any idea?)

Guess which one is mine? :P

It is an automatic open and close holder. Oh ya, I have my very own reason ok why I use kiddies toothbrush. It is my travel toothbrush. During the pindah-pindah I coudn't find my normal brush, so I subs to it for a while :D

The whole view of the holder
Both animals hanging calling for help hahaha

Another side of the table top

Mind the messiness. We still don't buy appropriate storage for the soap, shaver, tootpaste, facial wash, etc etc.

Anyway, notice the big end-to-end mirror? It is given by the in-laws. Nice is it? I like it soooo muchhh. Feels like in hotel bathroom wannabe hehe.


  1. So So..

    Such a 'sweet' things to buy together for the first times. Well, once married life is not the same anymore and sometimes we just got to the top over the head. Do things crazily together that never we did before.

    For me, not only he is still stranger to me then he has to entertained my to IKEA. Haha. Thank God he is cool enough with my indecisive mind.

    Talk about 'complicated' wife. Muahaha. No? Well, not to him at least. Fuh, thankful Alhamdulillah.

    Mind I link your bloh please? Got to know you from sis khairiah sweety? ^^

    Talk about a

  2. Oh, so sorry sis for some of the typo.

  3. Hi Sumayyah, of course you can me link up. Yeah, awal2 kawen best kan hahaha. I mean, it is stage for you to know each other better and doing things together. Hopefully the relationship will be stronger and beautiful each day. Aminn ;)

    Aleeya, betul!! Comel kannn giraffe tu? And kepala dia boleh gerak2. Me baru tahu semalam haha
