Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What I want for 2013

Ok, this is going to be stale. I always make a point what I want and need to do every year but none achieved in last year! And some of them already carried forward from 2011! Ahhhh benci benci benci! But yeah, it's a fun thing to do (I mean the wishlist, not the 'none-achieving' part ha ha ha), so I'm gonna make a new list this year! Some will be carried forward, some maybe not.. like the diamond ring. I think I've grown up wiser hahahaha... You can read my 2012 wishlist here by the way.

Anyway recap last year:

Wanted stuff:
1) A color printer - none. Actually almost to get one, as in A-L-M-O-S-T. I've been surveying around and decided to buy this one, already talked to the salesman, and we went there on 31st Dec 2012, and then dia cakap habis ok? HABIS! Ughhhh I almost cross this one from my list. Dang! Anyway it'll be restock soon, so we'll see if I getting it or not, macam dah tak semangat haha..
2) Silhoutte cameo - ilek
3) Timber flooring - ilek
4) Wooden swing - ilek

Needed stuff:
1) Finish my entries on Japan trip in 2008 - NO!
2) Finish album compilation on the honeymoon trip - NO!
3) Finish my entries on Langkawi trip in early 2011 - NO!
4) Finish making my pregnancy journal with Zahra Elena - NO!
5) Finish making my pregnancy journal with Emir Qalef - NO!
6) Edit all the honeymoon trip videos and upload them in youtube - NO!
7) Print the wedding pictures - NO!
8) Kemas my craft stuff - err.. a lil bit, since I already start sewing
9) Launch my online store - it's simple on blogspot je, but I have to take pictures, packing, etc etc. It's tedious to me :( - NO!
10) Start 365-project! - NO!

Oooooo kaaayyyyy. I'm so hopeless!!! I hate my 2012 wishlist! Gahhhhh!!!!

Nevermind that, let's roll to 2013 and see what I *think* I want to have and to do.

What I want for 2013

1) Printer for craft that can wifi and scan

2) A vacation - local / oversea doesn't matter

3) Bias tape maker - Already order this so can I put it in my wishlist? Hihihi

4) Rotary cutter set with mat and ruler 

5) New curtain and sofa cover for the house, current one has been stuck (and unwash) for 4 years! 

6) A proper built-in sewing table

Something like this. It's a built-in base, see that the sewing machine doesn't sit on top of the table? Nice righhhhhttttt? ;)

Ok, enough of the material stuff, let's see my need to do list, and I'm trying to be realistic here, so no more copy paste from last year (haha takut la tu last year punya list panjang).

1) 365-project
2) Open my blogshop, seriously, I bought too many! Need to let go some stuff.
3) Finish my pregnancy journal (Zahra and Emir).

Ok that's all! Honeymoon compilation can be wait I guess? 

Anyway we've been very very very busy. I hope I can achieve more this year. I mean, come on! I'm already in 3-series, I have to do something about my life. I am happy with what I achieving right now, but it's kinda comfortable and I'm afraid it will turn to laziness and that's not pretty right?

So the ultimate goal this year is to be great!

And hope God grant me His great guide in my life. Ameen...


  1. wow...kita nak buat gak la list mcm ni..;) senang nampak kan

  2. i didnt bother to do any list or recap this year, hahaha.

    Like u said, aiming to be great! :D

  3. mine masih sama...

    1. cari kerja yg lebih elok
    2. turunkan berat ke 60kg


  4. supermeng,
    kannnnn..ganti M tu dengan MANIS semua ok!

    Buat list ni mcm bersemangat sket..tak pun syok sendiri, jadi la..menggembirakan awal tahun kita hehe

    U already started! The being great part ;)

    Hehehe..lompat lagi, all the best to you.
