Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Shani dah baca Hijab Sang Pencinta!!

Sangat unfair!!!!!



  1. errr...cite ape ni. Best ke?

  2. Haiya...saya tak bersalah... x_x

    Fina, ni ialah the 3rd trilogy of Ramlee Awang Murshid's Bagaikan Puteri.

    Best :)

  3. hey..korang dpt kat mane?
    dah release ke??
    uwaaaa....jeles juga ni..
    tulung! tulung!
    me nk a copy of it..me rindu abg sunan!!!

  4. Fiena, BEST GILERRRRRR okkkkk!!! Hmhmhmhmhppphphph (amik nafas jap). It is a trilogy. U have to read Bagaikan Puteri and Cinta Sang Ratu dulu. Best giler okkk!! Like, serious shit! Hahaha. Btw, both of the books takde with me, my siblings pinjam, u kena carik mana2 :D

    Shani, sooo tak puas hati ok. How can u beat me in this thing. Hahaha. Sangattt takk puasss hatiiii :P

    Khairiah!!!! Gimme five!!!! Sangat CINTAAA sama Laksamana Sunan. Oh goshhh..seriously, kalau ada character mcm tu in real life kan, gerenti kita berebut2 :P

    Oh ya..a'ah dah release hehehe. Me dah beli but the book with my bro *sobs sobs* Sangat kecewa...

  5. camno kite nak me'laksamana sunan'kan semua lelaki2 di dunia ini ye? ngee~~~

    takpe2..redho2 ape yg ade..ihiks..

  6. Haha redho..

    But bagusla buku ni..inspired me to be better person each day. Because somehow, all of us deserved a 'Sunan', doesn't has to cari org lain, but sama2 lah kita jadi Sunan :D

    Haha pening apa me cakap

  7. aiyooo.. i'm so lost. Ada 3rd book ek??
    Gonna go buy this weekend
