Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Funny Man

I already started working and I miss my babies so much! But surprisingly I'm okay leaving Emir at the babysitter's, takde la blues sangat, maybe sebab Zahra ada. So in a way macam lega, at least they can accompany each other.

Anyway MrComot was very funny last few days. MrComot ni kan.. BM dia takde la buruk..tapi takde la bagus. Haha keji tak? What I mean by not that good is, normal BM-KL ni ok la..tapi kalau perkataan yg jarang pakai, dia macam terbabas sebutan sikit. Last few days, 3 kali dia sebut perkataan salah in a day.

#1 - during the night, we are packing the kids bag

Me: Kita kena tanda la towel Zahra ni. Towel Emir tak beli lagi. Me nak tulis nama dengan marker nanti
MrComot: Me thought sayang nak ULAM (he's trying to tease me with my craft thing actually)
Me: SULAM!!!!
MrComot: Lebih kurang sama la tu
Me: Mana sama, sulam tu jahitan, ulam tu makanan haha
MrComot: Alaaaaaa...tapi u faham kan apa me nak cakap *geram*

Kann....nak cerca wifey la konon, tapi lepas tu kena cerca balik hahaha

#2 - The next morning on the way to work

MrComot: Sayang nak anything for breakfast tak?
Me: Hmm..nak beli apa eh?
MrComot: Karipap PULAS nak?
Me: Haaa?? PUSING!!!!
MrComot: Pulas dengan pusing sama la funny ok, because karipap pusing is his fav kuih, and yet...

#3 - Right after karipap pulas incident

MrComot: You know.. that day me dengar gotcha dekat hitz tau, they gotcha this one college student. Tak suka betul me dengan budak tu, dia BANGKAK sangat
MrComot: Haa? Apa-apa la..sama la tu! Dah nak sama bunyi dia

Hahaha..lawak ok kalau MrComot kantoi. Mesti cover gila-gila. But the best part is, I can guess exactly what he's trying to say, in a snap. Ya la...nama pun hubby wifey, mesti tahu kan. But he's so adorable in that way *loves*


  1. eh dh kerja..kejapnye masa berlalu..

  2. OMG! karipap pulas adalah sangat lucu. OMG..tak boleh berenti gelak. sorry mr.comot. wahahahah *ROL*

  3. Fitri,
    Kan? :( Me so sad.. Kejap je

    Mommy Fara,
    Hehe..semoga adorable hingga ke akhir hayat, aminnn

    Serious me pun gelak ok. Yg penting dia konfiden tuuu
