Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Milk Thief

I received an opened letter when I checked our mailbox last Friday. I was a bit excited as I RARELY got letters. It was from Anmum and I shout;

Me: OMG! Anmum bagi me surat! Kenapa dia bagi me? Mcm mana dia tau me preggy *kannn soalan tak logic sangat*
MrComot: Owhhh mesti dia bagi sample milk
Me: Kenapa dia bagi me? Me ada register mana-mana ke?
MrComot: Tak, me register kan for you hehehe

Waaaaaa don't you think he's sweet? Ok that's not the point.

Me: Really? Thanks sayang! Eh takde pun sample milk?
MrComot: Is it? Hilang kut?

That time I dah tak puas hati. I was thinking must be different letter. Maybe just a letter saying thanks for joining Anmum club etc etc. So I rushed upstairs and open the opened letter.

It stated that they are giving me free sample and I ain't getting any!!! Where the milk gone? Not that I want it sangat pun. But, helooooooo siapa nak curi sample milk?? Milk for preganant ladies ok!

Maybe the post office guy, maybe Anmum's despatch boy sendiri, or maybe the neighbours? Whatever. It's only milk ok. Itu pun nak amik *sigh*

And my husband went to all the process asking free sample for me okk! How dare you snatch it from me!! Grrrrrr

It made me thinking, how reliable the snail mail nowadays? Can you trust them 100%? Since it involves lots stops and people, stuff might gone missing anywhere!

And it shows that the world is full with weirdos *sigh*


  1. sample susu pun org nak amik ke.. haiiiya...

  2. ahaha.. xpe, nanti kalo dh bersalen, pakai milk sendiri lagi byk khasiat .. ghiteww.. ehehe, salammm

  3. uihh..jahat nye sape yg curik!
    biar dia buncit perut.padan muka..

    takpe laa aan.
    u g beli je setin..

  4. Aan dearie, watch the blood presure, jangan marah-marah tau :*

    Mungkin yg mencuri tu memang betul-betul tak ada duit nak beli susu ke?
    Sabar ye, semoga Tuhan membalas~

  5. MrsHafiz,
    That's why! Pelik oke

    Hehe ni susu untuk ibu menghasilkan susu :P

    Me already got the milk, hehe jgn bagi buncit la..me tak kisah cuma pelik okkkk

    Hopefully la..maybe a mommy need milk ke kan. Tapi ni minuman tambahan, not critical ok sampai nak curik. Haha..tak payah balas2 la..cuma me tak sure berani ke tak nak post barang lepas ni. Takut2 hilang pulak

  6. hehehe sample pun ada gak yg nak kebas.

    takot hilang len kali kita pakai kurier yg takpe byr mahal sket janji brg safe je :D

  7. Kesian Aan... Your baby's first "dugaan"! Belum keluar dah diuji!

    I buy quite a lot via ebay, and I must say it's really rare that things go missing. Out of 20 purchases, ada la se dua yang tersesat entah ke mana... But so far, Alhamdullilah yg tersesat tu x too expensive...

    Anyway, Congrats! Can't wait to see the baby. Post pictures when he/she comes out, OK? (PS: So, it's going to be a boy, huh?)

    En. Arip

  8. Let's me be frank. Me yg curik :P
    - Mr Polt

  9. No wonder la...ada poltergeist rupanya :p

  10. Huhu... smple pun nak amek.. sadis nya.

  11. sedapnyaa............:p

  12. I suka susu Anmum perisa chocolate. Hehe mcm looking forward plak nak minum.

    Urm, I tak dpt pon sample susu tuh walaupon dah sebulan lebih register. Takkan kena curik gak kot?

  13. En Arip,
    Hey is that you? I mean is that really you? En Arip the coffee guy hahaha. OMG, bila u nak open ur blog? Anyway it's small matter..since it's free. But dangerous la, made me feel not safe to use or buy something online.

    I don't know yet the sex, can't really guess (my instinct is bad in this thing!) hehe so wait and see ok :D

    Poltergeist minum susu ke? U buat apa ngan susu tu?

    Haha poltergeist dahaga ni

  14. Azleena,
    Exactly! Nuff said *geleng kepala*

    Kau geng ngan polt ke curi? :P

    Nasib baik sample sikit je kan. Kalau satu tin? Hahaha emo. Anyway I dah try the choc, not bad la. I can't take plain at all. Jom jom minum sesama :D
