Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hola mommy!

Wahhhh lamanya tak update..terus rasa mcm tak tau nak update apa ok. But eventually, I have sooo many stories to write. Even though still malas, I need need need to write this, else I will forget.

It's about my baby!!! :D

I had my monthly checkup yesterday and as usual la, do all the urine test, BP test, and scanning. Oh ya, blood test takde pun? Why aaa? Should I request it? Nanti doc cakap ewahhh lebih2 pulak dari doctor. But..the government clinics semua buat tau..hmm confuse confuse

Anyway, when scanning, as usual the gynea will press that cold thing on my womb kan, and we get to see the baby moving okkk!! Not ala-ala but laju sangat! Siap wave tangan lagi. Macam tergapai-gapai gitu. I guess the baby is not comfortable somebody is pressing its sleeping cocoon hehehe. And remember the cyst? We can't find it! It's either shrunk, or gone. Alhamdulillah..

I am in my 2nd trimester now. Thinking of doing scrapbook, to store all the scan pictures, update on my progress and stuff.

On the other note, I just browse some blogsand banyak citer pasal derang masak okkk! Eeeiii tak puas hati betul! Bila I nak start masak ni??? Anyway we're not eating out everyday. We eat at inlaws everynight hahahahahaha. OMG, apa la suka pulak *knock head* At first I was segan la...but when I'm pregnant, ahhhh lantak la..sebab tak larat la nak balik masak la apa la *eeiii alasan keji ok*. And thank God my in law is ok. Dia yang cakap dia suka weols makan kat sana, so ok la kan :P Only on the weekend we don't eat there la sebab weekend kitaorg asyik menempel je! Opss.. I think the honeymoon phase is not over yet. Still rasa not enough time even though berkepit hari-hari *sigh*. So sometimes I cook on the weekend, sometimes eat out.

OMG, apa I rambling ni..anyway...gotta update with real story later ok. Tengah kumpul aura rajin hehehe

Take care guysssss...mwahhhhhhhhhh


  1. kita org pon cam tak puas honeymoon :) coz just like u we had our first child .. bunting pelamin heheh :)

    tp takpa now can travel with the little one :)

  2. Aan, macam baby boy jer.
    me dulu sepanjang ngansdung Ewan tak masuk dapur langsung. beras dalam tong sampai jadi tepung!

    you ada alasan bermalas-malasan, so gunakanlah. esok dah jd mak, nak kena masak balik. bila baby dah 6 bulan kena masak bubur... siap kena tapis lagi OK... hehehe... kasi Aan panik skit :P

    good to hear benatang seketul tu dah ilang. Alhamdulillah. jaga diri, jaga baby...

    kita patut buat gath para mummy teratorian la... you, neenas, rudiah, maria, dura... ME!

  3. hi aan..maria buat check up kat hospital swasta pn takde blood im doing at gh diorg mmg buat blood test tp just check HIV je..huhu..mungkin lain tempat lain test kot..not sure..

    p/s:saat scanning paling best kan..

  4. tumpang lalu tuan rumah..hehehe...

    aan, kak tatty...korang tau tak kat klinik mana ada scanning 4D?

    rasa nak g wat la..aritu masa 3bln lebih masa terjatuh kat toilet p scan..doc tu bgtau baby ok, pastu siap tunjukkan baby gerak2 ,tangan dia tutup malangnya kami tak nampak pun. hehehe..nampak gelap2 gitu jek..

  5. Cik Kopi,

    Tu la..hopefully the feeling berpanjangan, aminnn :D

    Boy ke? hehehe we'll see, me takde hunch lagi. Haa tu laa..lepas ada baby takleh malas2 wawawawawa. Tapi nnt dapat another ok la kan :P Jom jom gathering. Semua pakai bawak baby dlm stroller hehe

    The blood test for HIV je? hoping for more complicated check mcm ntah..u know la..ada menda2 ke..saja gatal nak check hehehe. Yup yup time scanning paling best sbb at least we know the little one is safe and sound inside :D

    4D tatau current clinic ada buat. Me heard dekat pusrawi ada. Eh tak ingat kat mana tapi satu clinic ni confirm, u have to check from here She did the 4D scan :D

  6. Best apa amakn dekat inlaws. mesti lauk sedap-sedap hehe

  7. ehehe.. bes baca update... kalau ada gambar2 skali pun lg bes.. nak peep ur baby dear :D

    take care yaaa :D

  8. Chics,
    Hehe most of the time best..tapi let say tiba2 teringin nak makan carbonara, adakah mahu mengorder sama in law? :P But better for me la..need to take healthy food now :D

    Later I'll put pic. Mcm segan nak put gamba scan byk2 hehe
