Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CNY 2012

The festive season is over, but I still haven't finish writing about our CNY celebration.

We visited my MIL's side (in Salak Selatan) on the second day of CNY because everybody gathers and the lion dance will be that day.

Since I didn't host any birthday party for Zahra, I decided to make some goodie bags for the kids (for the Salak South gang and officemates). There is a long story about Zahra's goodie bag but I'll write about it later.

Chocs + honey star/coco crunch/milo + heart balloon + whistle

The lion dance scheduled at 3PM so we were rushing like mad, suap Zahra lunch, pakai baju raya, solat etc etc and drive laju-laju, sampai sharp2 at 3, only to find that the lion dance will come at 4PM. Sabar je la...

Since this is my 3rd time in Salak South, I don't feel that awkward anymore. But I feel very bad because I still can't remember their names. Chinese name is hard, at least to me. Can I just call everybody Ah Chong? Haha kidding. Btw, I feel bad because they always remember about us, sometimes siap belikan Zahra hadiah and pass it to my MIL and I macam confident when my MIL told me, "This one is from A, this one is from B" but when I jumpa, rupa2nya salah orang. Sigh.

We had 1 hour to kill before the lion comes, so as usual I put my smiling face, because I can't talk Mandarin (or to be exact don't even understand it) and they don't talk much English. So yeah, can you imagine? Haha. Well, I'm getting better in mixing without conversing.

My sister joined us and it was her first time celebrating CNY in real Chinese home. I wonder how she feels but mustn't as awkward as my first time. At least dia ada geng kan.

Few pictures for you! :D

Zahra giving her birthday goodie bag to the cousins (alamak not sure the pangkat..but they are sons n daughter of anak saudara my MIL. sounds complicated). And I can't remember all their names!

The only day Zahra gets to drink whatever she wants hehe. I rarely give her air kotak because it's sweet that day she gets to drink the whole pack! And guess what, balik rumah pun mintak the box drink lagi. "Mummyyyyy..zahya nak air tak!"

Star of the day - Emir Qalef! Everybody was so excited playing with Emir as he's the smallest and it is their first time meeting Emir.

My smiley baby in red samfoo!

The lion dance preparing to perform

Bertafakur in front of the house I think.

The kids were playing with the lions. Last year, Zahra was excited with the lions and this year, she cried watching them! Ish ish ish anak mummy. According to MrComot, she was OK when she saw the lion but the moment they hit the drum, she cried while saying 'tatottt layen tatottt layen' and pointing to the lions. I think must be the loud noise. However, I didn't manage to witness the drama because I was in the room with Emir, protecting Emir's ears ;) The lion dance's pics are taken by my sister.

Lions eating mandarin

Handing kau foo plate of pamelo and mandarins

It was scorching hot and Emir fell asleep during the lion dance performance. Memang panas giler sebab rumah tu atap zink pastu ada kipas je. Angin pun angin panas. But Emir such a good baby, takde cranky and doesn't mind the uncomfortable-ness.

Zahra playing with other kids. Can you spot her? She's still the smallest, after Emir :)

Lotus root chips

My first time having it and it is yummy! Other than the lotus root, we had the 'ngaku' (arrowhead chips). This one every year ada, lupa nak snap pic. Looks like potato chips but creamier with a hint of bitterness. I love ngaku chips as well!

Angpows for the kids. We also got angpows, despite of being married with kids hehe, thanks aunties/uncles! We divided into two for both kids.

A full pic of Zahra in pink cheongsam. Pose with limau lagi.

And dance!

It was around 5PM and Zahra doesn't have her usual nap. Zahra ni jenis kalau keluar, tak boleh tidur, walaupun dia mengantuk sangat. She will force her eyes open and go hyper. The moment we hit the car, terus pengsan tidur.

The aunties requested us to stay until dinner time and they are going to buy us KFC, but with two kids in hand, and Zahra dah hyper semacam, we decided to go back at home and rest. Maybe next year we'll stay for dinner..depends on the situation.

A very tiring day but we had a blast catching up even though we are talking chicken and duck hehe..

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lipat baju

Banyaknya baju yg kena lipat, and tgh sidai untuk dilipat. Rasa mcm nak nanges (haha drama sangat but that's how i feel). Kalau x lipat, x cukup pulak utk bawak ke babysitter.


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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The 4-Months Roller

My handsome boy is 4 months!!! And he rolls by himself a couple of week ago. The first roll was at babysitter's and I didn't manage to witness it until the next 2 days. Balik rumah ada dia terbalik but I was at the kitchen that time.

Even though this is my second child, the bittersweet feeling still linger when watching him rolling. Dah besar anak mummy :)

He also starts to discover his toes and loves pulling it so much.

And play with his saliva which is an indicator for my hair loss :( My hair is all over the place now and I seriously need a very short haircut. Can't stand to see the strands anymore and worse is, caught a few in Emir's mouth! Jangan makan sayang!

Haven't weight him but last month was 5.9kg. Heavier than Zahra as far as I remember.

He still loves to talk (in his language) but I can let him entertain himself for a while now. Tak payah 100% layan dia. But sometimes I miss his eyes when talking to me masa dia 2-3 months dulu. So sweet and longing for mommy. Now dah pandai tak tengok my eyes *mummy merajuk*

Oh ya, he also loves watching our reflection in the mirror. The moment he sees it, he will laugh and babbling non-stop.

Still on breastmilk 100%. Sleep well throughout the night, best case, wakes up in the morning around 6AM for feeding. Ada jugak bangun kul 3AM..but not so often.

Below is couple of Emir's recent pic.

Playing with saliva


Not so much of update, but he's doing well and very healthy baby, minus the cold caught from Zahra. Stay strong baby and grows well! Mommy loves you very much!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Blah CNY Eve

Finally, I get a space to breathe, and update about the recent CNY celebration.

This is my fourth year celebrating Chinese New Year. It started when we were dating (MrComot's mom is a Chinese). Below is the recap:
  • First year in 2009 where we had 3 yee sang session, at Dong Yi Shun, Sri Ayuthaya and Southsea Subang. Click here. It was also my first time celebrating it in real Chinese house (the grandma's) and I got angpows, despite of married status. Click here.
  • Second year in 2010 I was in confinement. Click here.
  • Third year in 2011, Zahra was about 1y1m old, and had her first red samfoo! Click here.

And this year, the fourth year, we celebrating with little Emir in the house!

How fast time flies..

We started the celebration with CNY eve dinner. My MIL planned for a yee sang session in Hj Shahrin Low Klang, Harbour Place. She had previous dinner there and it was yummilicious but surprisingly our visit was a disappointment. The food was so blah and so the service. We reached quite late (everybody was already there and we missed all the drama) but according to my MIL, bila mintak pinggan because they give pinggan tak cukup, the servant jawab pinggan tak cukup sbb tak cuci, bolehhh?? Apa masalahnya..cuci je la kannnn?

And yee sang pun tak ada! But it was our mistake I guess because don't call up asking about it first. Last year ada, so assume this year pun ada.

So it was a dinnertime only. We had roast duck, steam fish, yam basket, salted egg prawn, vege and lemon chicken. To rub salt in the wound, the so-called house specialty roast duck also not that nice :(

Kesian roast duck tu, banyak tak abes..membazir :(

Had peanut soup and lotus pancake for dessert and surprisingly I like their peanut soup. So creamy nyum!

Zahra running in the restaurant with her pink samfoo! My MIL bought three CNY garment for her this year. She said kenot tahan, they are sooooo cute!

Emir in the surau. We left home before Maghrib, so had Maghrib there. Ada surau baru, cantik and so spacious, so don't worry if you are here. Anyway budak kecik ni kan, sampai-sampai je terus buat job. So pegi toilet and clean him semua. The toilet not so nice :( Old design with cheapo finishing.

A better view of her samfoo.

With her favourite CNY cracker! Deep fried shredded crabstick. We only found this once a year, so she's holding it tight, 'Zahra punya!'.

So, that was the pre-CNY celebration. Gotta update more about this. Mwah!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Borak Comel

*tengah kumpul semangat update blog*

Anyway, my hubby ni comel betul la *haha mati la puji laki sendiri*. Had this interesting conversation this morning.

MrComot: Tebal betul pompuan tu mekap..
Me: Tebal ke?
MrComot: A'ah..bertan-tan
Me: Mana ada tebal..biasa je..cuma dia pakai eyeshadow
MrComot: Tebal la..ada foundation lagi
Me: Foundation? Hahhhhh. You tahu ke foundation tu apa? Haha
MrComot: Alaaa...yang macam concealer tu
Me: Concealer? Wahhhh how come boleh keluar semua term-term ni?
MrComot: Mesti lah me tahu. Me watch Michelle Phan
Me: Hahhh? Hahahaha
MrComot: Ye lah..totti asyik tengok sampai me dah boleh hafal. Especially make-up japanese tu

Hahaha. Funny ok, for a guy like MrComot to know the makeup terms and to know Michelle Phan?

Actually there was a phase when Zahra loves watching makeup tutorial by Michelle Phan (like 2-3 months ago), and she watches it like everyday on the iPad. Haha so funny. But now dia bz tengok kids playing and toys by japanese pulak.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Just a peep..

Salam everyone..I've been very busy..and still am. Involved in big projects this year, and in the middle of lab and production.

Anyway all of us are in the pinkiest health, just lacking of rest. Cuti pun tak macam cuti. Balik rumah pun cakap pasal kerja with MrComot. Ughhhhh. Don't want to, but have to, sometimes nak mintak opinion la, discuss what happened la. Work work work..

Just a recap of recent event, which I'm gonna blog about it later (if time permits)

- Zahra is 2 months free from prednisolone
- Had awesome CNY and yummy angpows hehe
- Bought new family car, sold old one
- Had a blast outing with my darling girlfriends
- Updates with my little darlings, Zahra and Emir!

Salam Maulidur rasul everyone. Wish you guys a relax and enjoyable holiday! Oh ya..I'm so in love Ustaz Don and have you guys watch his latest video about mencintai rasulullah? I haven't! Plan to watch it this weekend.

Zahra 2 weeks ago, in pajama, admiring wild mushroom in the garden (garden lah sangat!)

Mummy..apa tu? (her current favourite phrase)

It's your favourite vege! But this one tak boleh makan yer.

Again, happy holidays everyone! I miss yakking here!