I think the title already sum-up what I'm going to share today ;)
Last night, I had symptoms of having flu when my throat still sore even after I finished the Strepsils. Since I can't afford to be sick during this Xmas (we are going somewhere yeay!) so I told MrComot that I need something soupy and hot for dinner. He recommend some places that includes mamak but I don't want that kind of soup. I want simple and clear broth, like ABC soup.
That was when we decided to cook! It was a crazy action because 1) we have nothing to cook, nothing as in no meat, vege, etc etc and 2) It's 8pm already!
So I asked him;
Me: You hungry tak?
MrComot: Me not really, you?
Me: Me pun ok. You can tahan until around 10 tak?
MrComot: Me can. Can eat Iko at home pun nnt
Me: Owait, jom pegi beli barang
8pm from Brickfields, we rushed to Giant Kota Damansara and bought things for the spontanious recipes.
Arrived Giant around 830pm and settled home at 9pm. It's crazy. I mean, it's hard for me to buy food in limited time as I want to read the ingredient la, and I tend to distract a lot. There are a lot of stuffs that I want to peek on and check out especially on the dry stuff :D
We bought some chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, and oyster mushroom. Once arrived, I cut the chicken, onions, and carrots (we already have some in the fridge) while MrComot wash the rice and peel the potatoes.
There is no exact recipe as I do the campak-campak trick but here is the rough thing.
Dump chicken bone (I took the meat for ayam goreng kunyit), garlic, ginger, carrot, potatoes and tomatoes (this one later after half an hour), and seasoned with few dash of sea salt to taste. Towards the end I also throw some pepper corn. Dalam 5 bijik kut.
Drizzle some vegetable oil, fry sliced garlic, dump the mushroom, add about 2 table spoon of oyster sauce and few dashes of soy sauce to taste. Then add tomatoes. Seriously very simple yet sedap! Oh ya, I like my mushroom combined with tomato and bell pepper but MrComot doesn't like bell pepper so I skipped it.
(Fried chicken fillet with turmeric)
Again, drizzle some oil and fry the garlic and shallots (if ada onion lagi sedap but I don't have any in house), then dump the marinated chicken (I marinate the fillet with turmeric powder before cook the ABC soup) and cook until brownish. Salt to taste. It will be better if you can mix with long beans but I purposely skip it as I need to buy a whole bunch of beans and it will be a total waste.
Simple but tasty and healthy. Like seriously. No MSG, no ridiculous amount of salt, and no pool of oil.
And the best part is, it's only RM10!!! More or less hehe.
Ok let's count.
Chicken parts - got small drumstick, small thigh, small breast = RM3++
3 Potatoes - RM1++
3 Organic tomatoes - RM2.39
Turmeric powder - RM1.45
Oyster Mushroom - RM3++
So total is about RM10 and let say you want to count the rice, gas, garlic, sauces, etc etc and it will be around RM15! Still freaking cheap!!! It's for two maannn.
And also please note that we used organic tomatoes (haha reason why was because I couldn't find normal tomatoes :P), sea salt and vegetable oil.
So can you imagine how easy and healthy and nutritious and cheap it is?
Now I understand why they say self-cooking can save you a lot ;)
On the other note, we are going to Penang for Xmas!!!! Will start the journey on 25th but I already take annual leave tomorrow! Bestnyaaaaa going to laze on weekdays.
Can't promise for any update but will write if there is any ;) Till then, have a nice holiday peeps!
Girlfriend, now we have some improvement! :D
ReplyDeletehaahhahaha...motiff sangat..nak rasmikan table for two yang romantic itu kah wahai puan hanani? :P
ReplyDeleteHey~ how come tak bgtau me nak pegi Penang :p
ReplyDeleteAsroll, it has nothing to with u :D
ReplyDeleteLalink, anything or anywhere kalau 2 org mmg romantic kan hehe. Nnt turn u pulak
Shani comot.. sowieeeee me terlupa hehe